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24V Renshaw

Daily driver or not?

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Good things were hittin speed ramps at speed, tryin to kerb it when parking, dumpin it, taxi five doors was good too and listening too old dreamscape tapes cause it only had a tape deck.


Haha! Dreamscape tapes! God that brings back memories... I've got several of those still lying around, but I'd never admit to it :wink: :)

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I'm bloody pleased mine isnt a daily driver cos its been off the road for a year!

I have a bora tdi 130 (which gets on my t*ts at times) as a daily driver

oh and I have a nice big Yamaha motobike mow down rabbits and pheasants with.

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Daily driver for me but I'm just a lazy barsteward - I could really walk to work but like showing off the VR but the downside is that a million eejits parallel park against it every day and the battle scars will mount up eventually! :(

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Mine's a daily driver too. Which is the best thing for cars, IMHO. Leaving them standing isn't so good.

Not sure what to do next year though - work is moving nearer to home (much nearer) and I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to be firing up a VR6 for five minutes twice a day.. Maybe I'll just have to move house! :lol:

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Haha! Dreamscape tapes! God that brings back memories... I've got several of those still lying around, but I'd never admit to it :wink: :)


Me too....they're bit ropey and worn tho.


They were the days....an Alpine radio/cassette, amp and sub..... perfect for Dreamscape tapes :lol:

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My mk2 16v is my daily ride - curently doing about 400miles per week commuting and just gone over 229000miles! :shock: :wink:


The way I see it, you spend all this money on your pride and joy - so you have to use it and enjoy it!


(mine's coming off the road in the next few weeks tho, so I can drop a VR into it!) :twisted: :wink:


jade green mk2 16v by any chance dude? :?:

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