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White Storm?

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im with alex on this one,people are far to quick to judge on here,take that american guy who came on here to offer some items for sale,and he was just abused,then he gave sh!t back and his thread was locked...by the way if i bought a storm in blue and then decided to spray it yellow does that mean its not a storm any more??after all its only a bloody badge



he was abused??????......ahh so Henny saying that the cover would look the wrong-way on is abuse???? :roll: .........cos it was after that,that your new american friend started to be abusive :wink:


and if you bought a storm and painted it any other colour you fancied you would probably get slated for that,but as it was a storm in the first place and this "white" one isn't even a VR6 then yours would still be a storm albeit in a non-storm colour

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http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16602 look at randal24 comments...if you didnt want it the dont reply to the for sale thread..nothing to do with hennys comment as his was a valid remark



it was eBay by the way......and funnily enough it was your new "friend's" very first post...................Randal saying that he came on to hock his wares was IMO valid too.........the Forum first and foremost is meant to be a place of information and help for Corrado enthusiasts a lot of people seem to think its just there for punting their stuff :roll:

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Definitely true about the american guy - 1st post is in the for sale section, before that no ones heard of him... anyone check out the guys profile? marine apparently - draw your own conclusions!


as for the rest of this thread we're entitled to our opinions, and i wouldn't make any apology for stating mine - if your mates on here apesogill then the only way to combat criticism is to meet it :D


Above all chill out, it's a frickin car.

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and if you bought a storm and painted it any other colour you fancied you would probably get slated for that


if i had a storm i'd paint it black

when i bought my vr6 i had enough money to buy a storm, but i wanted one in black, and i couldnt find one. corrados look best in black . . .

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if i had a storm i'd paint it black

when i bought my vr6 i had enough money to buy a storm, but i wanted one in black, and i couldnt find one. corrados look best in black . . .


BLACK!?!? What's for supper mother?? PINS!?!?!


They do look good in black tho 8)


Above all chill out, it's a frickin car.


8) :wink:

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BLACK!?!? What's for supper mother?? PINS!?!?!




i went to see a storm. it was a nice car, but it was in an "old man's rover" colour.

it should have been black . . .

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if i had a storm i'd paint it black

when i bought my vr6 i had enough money to buy a storm, but i wanted one in black, and i couldnt find one. corrados look best in black . . .


BLACK!?!? What's for supper mother?? PINS!?!?!


someones been watching the fast show faaaarrrrrr too much :lol:

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Well this thread was getting perilously close to being very serious and we can't be having that.


Luckily, a new series of Little Britain is on after an eternal wait. Shame I keep missing it tho :roll:

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Well this thread was getting perilously close to being very serious and we can't be having that.


Luckily, a new series of Little Britain is on after an eternal wait. Shame I keep missing it tho :roll:

the new series is not a dissapointment, some great new characters best comedy program in a long time 8) ............."no more lesbian jam i just cant keep it down" :lol: :lol:

and monkey dust is also worth a watch very twisted but very funny 8)

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Definitely true about the american guy - 1st post is in the for sale section, before that no ones heard of him... anyone check out the guys profile? marine apparently - draw your own conclusions!


as for the rest of this thread we're entitled to our opinions, and i wouldn't make any apology for stating mine - if your mates on here apesogill then the only way to combat criticism is to meet it :D


Above all chill out, it's a frickin car.


first of all if you read my comments I’m not knocking anyone down for criticising his car or anyone else it’s the insults that follow and if you bothered to read it properly you would have spotted them.


But as it looks like you didn’t and you can’t even spell my name right, this is why I now expect that kind of reply on here.


Sorry but I don’t think anyone he has the right to start calling people names just because they think they know better. There is no reason or excuse for it especially when the person has done nothing to provoke it.

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i think it would probably be better if anyone who made personal insults about anyone else on here should either edit out the insults or appologise for them :wink: at the end of the day its his car and if he wanted to paint it pale blue with pink polka dots thats up to him


and maybe listen to the advice of barry and calm down calm down :wink:

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yes calm down its just a forum for god's sake.


i have done some cheesey mods in the past to my cars, and you are welcome to point and laugh - i'll get some pics of my mk2 escort.


lol@that picture btw

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aye - i is not cleverest sandwich in tool box :D

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all I'm doing is stating the facts, I know it’s not nice but it’s the truth


sorry it comes out/sounds that way, but its what I believe

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http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16602 look at randal24 comments...if you didnt want it the dont reply to the for sale thread..nothing to do with hennys comment as his was a valid remark



it was eBay by the way......and funnily enough it was your new "friend's" very first post...................Randal saying that he came on to hock his wares was IMO valid too.........the Forum first and foremost is meant to be a place of information and help for Corrado enthusiasts a lot of people seem to think its just there for punting their stuff :roll:


I know this is flogging a dead horse a little bit, but I've just seen this comments again. My intention by posting that was not to rile our new American compadre into spitting teeth - merely to highlight the point - again - of the what the forum is used for. Notice, when he got stroppy, I made a point of not rising to it - as well, arguing on the internet is pretty pointless. Regardless of topic. OK, I wasn't the most politcally correct person when doing so - but I never am. Blame my parents for my morally devoid upbringing.

That's me done on the subject... good night vienna.




The link below illustrates my point, however - do not click if you are easily offended.



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Definitely true about the american guy - 1st post is in the for sale section, before that no ones heard of him... anyone check out the guys profile? marine apparently - draw your own conclusions!


as for the rest of this thread we're entitled to our opinions, and i wouldn't make any apology for stating mine - if your mates on here apesogill then the only way to combat criticism is to meet it :D


Above all chill out, it's a frickin car.



But as it looks like you didn’t and you can’t even spell my name right, this is why I now expect that kind of reply on here.


Sorry but I don’t think anyone he has the right to start calling people names just because they think they know better. There is no reason or excuse for it especially when the person has done nothing to provoke it.



right alex please don't take this to much to heart here its not meant to be insulting .......but the way i look over this thread is that there have been two members who actually "insulted" him by calling him names(which tbh i'm sure most of us have been called at least once in our lives).......and maybe its pedantic and anal but if you put a badge on your motor which identifies it as being something it is not then surely you'll find yourself getting criticism for it.................and as for aide spelling yer name wrong :wink: come on i seem to remember plenty of posts/ threads on the yahoo e-group from you with plenty of spelling mistakes and IIRC forum/e-group members being told to stop being so anal about that..............as ive said at the beginning of this post this is just my view of it and isn't meant to be insulting to you or your friend,i'm also sorry threads like this have left you feeling aggrieved and annoyed with the some of the forum members but this is afterall a forum where everyone can have there say and if your friend feels so aggieved by whats been said he is more than welcome to put his views across too

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maybe its pedantic and anal but if you put a badge on your motor which identifies it as being something it is not then surely you'll find yourself getting criticism for it


coming into the conversation a little late here but i have to agree with that. Its up to the individual to do with their car what they see fit, but if you saw a mini one driving about with a cooper S badge on the back, you'd probably be thinking the same as me...WHY!? I dont see the point of badging an already pretty unusual car as something its not, its not going to gain him anything other than a few frowns from C enthusiasts, but like i've already said each to their own.

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Lively debate going on here then... just read through the thread :lol:

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Having just read through all of this, I thought I'd join in.


"piccies of ultra rare white corrado storm" is falsification of the truth. So the question is does that mean your up for potshots because you ARE effectively lying. I think yes, however it should NOT be abusive. He could easily state that for example "its got Storm badges because I got them together with whatever genuine bits off of a written of car etc"


Alex you say that there is a genuine reason for this, well he does not mention that on his site so he's going to get shit, because that site does state that this is the real deal.


The purpose of a forum is to share opinions and advice. If this guy is pissed off, well he's allowed to be because thats his choice. If he wants to defend himself or if you want to do it thats choice. The fact that his action has led to people voicing there opinions; concern or support is a good thing. NOW LETS ALL BE FRIENDS LIKE WE ALWAYS WERE AND THINK ABOUT THE NEXT MOD, DRINK, SHAG, whatever floats your boat 8)

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The purpose of a forum is to share opinions and advice. If this guy is pissed off, well he's allowed to be because thats his choice. If he wants to defend himself or if you want to do it thats choice. The fact that his action has led to people voicing there opinions; concern or support is a good thing. NOW LETS ALL BE FRIENDS LIKE WE ALWAYS WERE AND THINK ABOUT THE NEXT MOD, DRINK, SHAG, whatever floats your boat :cool:


I hear that, I'm good for a return to normality. Although, as with everyone's comments on here - they are valid, as opinions are. Isn't that what the Internet is all about anyway? Freedom of speech? (well, within limits - I do have a few choice phrases for the Re-Elect Bush website) :D

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well as this post seem to be going round in circles now I can’t see the point of posting after this


as for my spelling this only due to the fact I don’t have time to double check everything I post to you guys all the time and my points have always been clear so that hasn’t been a prob but the fact my name is everywhere and still cant be spelt right isn’t the same as just normal spelling in my eyes


as for the criticisms if you guys gladly want to carry on, so do it but as far as I'm concern with the yahoo group and CCGB this has never happened so ill let you make your own decision I’ve made mine, as far as I'm concern there is enough people in the vw scene making comments all day long I don’t think there is need for more to join in

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What about 'the best Corrado in the world' - that was ripped mercilessly on the eGroup...


Not that this white Storm badged Corrado deserves to be compared to that by the way!

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as for my spelling this only due to the fact I don’t have time to double check everything I post to you guys all the time and my points have always been clear so that hasn’t been a prob but the fact my name is everywhere and still cant be spelt right isn’t the same as just normal spelling in my eyes



well tbh if you look closely to aide's post you'll see its had all the letters of your name typed in, just not in their correct sequence......same way as sometimes i've typed in ahve when ive meant haveetc.......i doubt very much aide was trying to insult you there

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