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Everything posted by Blown

  1. Ooooooo.....so tempted.... :lol: Just for interest,which airport would you fly from? :lol:
  2. Actually,I'm getting pretty fed-up of this car now.I wish I'd left it the f**ck alone. I've done so much to it and spent a shedload of cash and it turns out a right f**king lemon. If I had the means,or lived on the mainland,it would either be on a low-loader,going to G-werks to get sorted by someone who knows what they are doing,or being broken up for it's parts so I might get some money back out of it. I think that,since I started this project,waaaay back in November 2003,I've managed to drive the thing for about 10 days. I'm sick of it.:pukeright: :crazyeyes:
  3. G-MAN,yes,there was a small amount of oil smoke in the exhaust,but I reckon that was oil in the inlet manifold left over from that last time the oil seals failed in the charger,as it appears to have cleared. I can't believe it to be the oil seals again.I've had them done twice now. :( I haven't done the comp test yet. Only gonna be able to do it tomorrow and I'll let you know the results.
  4. Awwwww,f***k. I was hoping you weren't gonna say something like that! Looks like I'm gonna have to go back to square one and strip the head off and check the gasket(after having a compression test first)
  5. Right,I've gone and junked the boost return pipe and fitted the wee air filter to the end of the ISV and (temporarily)run a pipe from the cam cover breather into a home made catch tank for the vapour,including a breather topped of with another small filter thing.Also fitted the blanking plate to the inlet return side of the charger. The downside of all this appears to be mahooosive amounts of white oil vapour blowing out of the filter on the tank.(it got to the point where I had to leave the shed with my eyes streaming and coughing quite gutturally,leading my neighbours to think i had set it on fire :lol: ) 1)should it be doing this? 2)should I buy a proper catch tank from somewhere that will stop this? 3)is this normal? 4)should I go to the doctor to have my lungs examined? :oops: Answers to the usual place please. 8)
  6. Okay,so after five minutes hard graft I found the CofC's website and,well,judge for yourself. I'm still trying to decide if I like the one with the A4 light arrangement. :?
  7. Apologies,littlecorrado,it was intended as a little humour.(Very little) I took the way your original post was written as the basic advertising hype of the manufacturer and not as an independent analysis by a someone who has used the product themselves. I've seen and read about too many products that promise to do your car bodywork no end of good and cost plenty,only to find most of them work no better than the stuff you can buy for about a tenner. If your willing to send me a (free) sample I can second the product for you........ :-P
  8. :-P :-P (Yes,I know it's not friday....:lol:)
  9. Blown

    Oil catch tank.

    Now that I have removed the boost return pipe,I need advice on how to rig up a catch tank from the oil breather on top of the rocker cover. Is it just a case of getting a container of some sort and running a pipe from the breather to the container?
  10. Not me but the other half was in Edinburgh last night and saw a Dark blue or black Jreg VR6 parked in the street opposite the mercat tours entrance to the city vaults near the southbridge/cowgate area.Reg no J909 J** possibly GE. Not entirely sure cos she was being scared out of her wits at the time by the ghost tour,but still had time to notice a C parked on the street! She now blames me for turning her into an anorak. :lol: :lol:
  11. The head was taken off and sent off for a rebuild with gas flowed ports and enlarged manifold inlet/outlets and generally cleaned up.IIRC the company said that it was in fairly good condition before any work was carried out,so no,it hasn't been or needed,skimming. It just seemed wierd to me that the exhaust smoke was still coming out blue with oil vapour,even after I had cleaned out all the boost pipes. The only other thing it could be is oil lying in the inlet manifold that is still to be burned off. What's really confusing,is the fact that there doesn't appear to be any emulsion inside the oil cap or inside the rocker cover. I did however,notice that the water level in the expansion tank goes down,but that might be due to a leak somewhere........so most clues point to an HG failure. Think I'll take the rocker cover off and make sure. I can see I'm going to have to go over this with a fine toothcomb... :roll: :)
  12. Anything MOPAR or American muscle car built between 1967 and 1972. Or a late model Dodge Ram double cab with dual axle.Them things are HOOOOOGE! Or,if money was no object,then I'd have a real street sleeper-something along the lines of a squareback Polo that looks standard outside but has a spaceframe chassis with a twin supercharged 24v V6 or something in the back. :twisted:
  13. Well,I think I have finally gotten to the root of the problem-I think the head gasket has a small hole in it. :cry: I've cured the leaks in the boost pipes,which I think has corrected the overfuelling problem, played with the dizzy to advance/retard the timing to get rid of the misfire and checked the lamda and wiring,then started the car,without too much throttle this time,then let it warm up. Went back to it and it was idling away nicely,with just the merest hint of a misfire,barely noticable in fact. It wasn't until I raised the revs to around 2k that I saw quite a lot of blue smoke from the exhaust. :x Thinking the oil seals had let go yet again,I pulled out the CO pot from the boost tube and had a look,but no oil was present inside. So I took out No4 plug and it was clean apart from a slightly oily looking film on the end. So I think I'm right back at square one and will have to replace the HG. Again. I'm giving serious cosideration to giving it all up as a bad lot and selling the thing as parts,or to someone who wants to do the work. :cry:
  14. Yeah,but it's leaking. I would've thought that a leak,albeit in the return side,would still cause an imbalance in the pressure as the charger draws air in from the opposite end of,what is basically,a hollow tube? :scratch:
  15. Well,I've replaced the grommet and that's cured the leak there,but I've found another leak on the return pipe-right where it's supposed to seal at the charger. :roll: Have had a good look and it appears that the top screwhole on the charger has stripped the thread-so the allen bolt isn't seating,which is causing the pipe to "push" itself away from the charger and create a leak. Ho-hum,it's out with the tap and die set then. :( Oh,another thing,I've calculated that since all the major work was done and I taxed and insured the car in june,I think I've only driven it on the road for about,maybe,ten days.The rest of the time it's been sat in the shed in bits. I've gone and depressed me now.I think it's time for beer. :cry: :lol:
  16. I don't texhnically own a garage but I do have the use of my folk's one.And their shed.And the big store at work. The garage is currently home to the Corrado,the shed to all the bits and the big store to the 1.6 driver MK2 that I somehow "inherited" and have no idea what to do with.:scratch: Anyone need a 1600 engine? :oops:
  17. Aha,I can answer this one,as my very first post was about this very subject! On most Pre 92 Corrado's,ABS was an option only.It was fitted as standard to VR's but the others dfidn't get it as standard until post 92. :mrgreen:
  18. Sneaky bastids! How long ago since the accident? You have the right to ask them for the evidence to prove thier claim. Personally,I would get lawyered up and get them on to the case.
  19. Yep,the vac pipes are the correct way round. How does the tickover screw work? Is it similar to the idle screw on carbs-i.e. screw it out and the idle drops,turn it other way and revs increase?
  20. In a word-overfuelling. The car is unwilling to start without a bit of throttle and idles ok. Give a rev to around 2k and let it drop back and the thing drops right down,hunts for a second,then returns to a reasonable idle again. Remove the blue sensor and the engine dies. Remove the MAF sensor and there is no change-however,I have noticed that there's a boost leak around the MAF(lot's of white vapour/smoke)where it goes into the boost pipe. I removed the plugs and they are soot black,so I changed them for another set and ran the engine,took them out and they were wet with fuel. If I take the car out and drive it,there is a noticable "miss" which would indicate timing probs,but I have had the timing checked and it's ok. Could the MAF be faulty? I take it that if the BTS is removed and the engine dies,then it's doing it's job? Would a boost leak cause this amount of overfuelling? Have just had the oil seals in the charger replaced after the others failed and let loads of oil into the cooler system.I have removed and cleaned out all the pipes and I/C so hoping that has nowt to do with this problem. The car has a 260deg cam and rebuilt head with stainless steel manifold,enlarged inlet/exhaust ports and a decat with new Lamda sensor. I'm hoping that it's not needing a remap,cos there's no-one here who can do it-and I don't fancy driving the car 400miles to the nearest mapper in this condition either! :( :shock: Any ideas? :?
  21. I agree that it's a pointless car-I mean,realistically,where are you gonna find a public road that you'd be able to use all that power on? The sort of people that are buying this kind of car are either going to be using it to cruise around the streets of Monaco to pose,or put it in a collection as a future classic investment.(Or, more likely,the first place you'll see it on the road is in a Gumball rally!) But at the same time,as an investment in technical advancement,it pushes the boundaries,with the cooling issues,transmission and tyres,brakes etc, but I cant see other supercar manufacturers jumping on this bandwagon. It's a case of face-saving I reckon-"we said we could build this car and we have"-How embarrasing for VW/Buggati would it have been for them to admit defeat,with all their resources and tech know-how? Personally,I'd like to see it in a straight line drag with an F1 car! :twisted:
  22. Have just got my charger back from having the seals checked and refitted. Took the pipes off this morning to give them a clean out and about a litre of oil spilled out of the charger outlet to I/C pipe,all over the garage floor. :shock: :x Had to give the intercooler a clean out to after that,as it had a dribble of oil in there too. Haven't got round to refitting the charger yet,so hopefully it's gonna be okay this time. BIG thanks to John at JMR (16vG60) for all the help and advice over this. :thumbleft:
  23. Anyone supply me with the part no/size of the hollow bolt that goes through the doughnut on the end of the braided hose from the charger to the engine? I know it's a 13mm hex head but I it broke around the holes for the oil as I took it out the last time I took the charger off and now need a replacement. :oops:
  24. Sorry,I haven't been able to reply sooner-I got sent to the badlands of the Western isles(Stornoway to be precise) to do cover work. The charger has been sent back for a reworking and hopefully will be back middle of next week.The internals of the charger are in very good condition but there may be some doubt over the shaft-a small groove has been worn in it but it should be okay and within tolerances. Gonna replace the oil return pipe to as a precaution,as the original may have worn out and is restriciting oil flow asper the advice given. Will let you know when I get it back and running whether it's cured.
  25. This may be a sad reflection on me,but I spotted a Bordueax pearl/blackberry coloured Corrado on that BBC1 show "War at the door" which was on tonight. Wasn't really watching it so I don't even know what city it was in! All I can tell you is, that it was parked in,I think, a county court car park and was in full shot as the chavvy bint the camera was following, walked in front of it. Didn't even get the model or no plate.Although I think it had a colour coded grill. So not much use at all really.D'OH!! :oops: :lol:
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