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Everything posted by Blown

  1. Blown


    Nice spec engine wise. I just don't like bodykits. Fair enough,he's gone for something different and a bit "retro",but I think bodykits really date a car verrrrry quickly.It's a fashion thing. IMO,it would've looked better with the same rims,angel eyes with an eybrow,a carbon fibre bonnet with chromed pins,and a dark coloured paint on the body. Subtle but with that "don't mess" kind of look.(like A20 LEE's!) There are just too many vents,slashes and bulges for my tastes. Although,running that engine,I suspect he needs all the cool air he can get! :twisted:
  2. Blown


    Who is it? :-P At least his car runs-which is more than can be said for mine at the moment. :lol: :cry: But you gotta question the taste......
  3. Blown


    http://www.cruisesouthwest.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=28035&highlight=corrado :shock: Sacrilige!! :shock: Have the owner put to death immediately.
  4. Okay-had a look. Looks like you could be right,g-man. Do you still do seal kits? :lol:
  5. Yessir.Rightawaysir!! :lol: only prob is,it may take a while-cars abandoned in a car park four miles away :oops:
  6. That's the thing-I've just had them replaced. :(
  7. AH,BOLLOCKS TO IT. :puppydogeyes: Just gonna break it up now for spares. At least I might make some dosh to go towards my new motor. :|
  8. :cry: After having just had new oil seals and apex strips put in the charger,I took the car out for a wee run-nothing major,just a drive to flush out any gremlins and to get the charger run in-when there was a fairly big plume of white smoke out of the exhaust which followed me back turning into blueish-white. :shock: Looked like a Mclaren F1 car just then! :twisted: Got to a carpark and popped the bonnet to find the area around the MAF sensor on the inlet boost pie covered in oil,as well as the stuff pooling in the top of the gearbox. Mostly confined to that end of the engine,but strangely,no sign of emulsion inside the rocker cover or the filler cap,nor anything around the head/block at that end either. :scratch: Restarted the engine and all seemed well until after about 30seconds the blue/white smoke appeared again. There was a very slight miss in the engine at low revs-between 1-2k-which disappeared at around 2500rpm. No sign of the expansion tank level dropping either. Suppose it'll haveter go back into shed for a strip down again. Shame really,cos it was pulling along quite well too. :cry:
  9. New lights and colour coded grill and repainted bumper. 8) And no,I don't know why the drivers side light drops to the right. :x :)
  10. Problem is,it'll probably cost as much again to go back to standard.
  11. Giving serious consideration to buying a new car. The problem is,I've done so much to the Corrado,do I break it for the goodies or sell it as a going concern? Trying to figure out whats it's worth more as-complete car or spare parts? :? (Buy the way-don't tell anyone,but I'm looking at an A4 1.8t sport 190... 8) )
  12. As far as I can tell,externally,the shocks are the same and will be interchangeable. Not sure about pressure rates or rod length though,as the Corrado is heavier than a Goof-so might affect handling.
  13. Yup. At least I think so.They are labelled RHD.(christ you've gone and got me thinking now.I hate thinking. :-P ) Small screw in the back of the housing,pushes the lens in/out up/down kinda thingummyjigger?:) It came with eengeelsh instrucshuns for taking the lens apart anyway... :confused4:
  14. The times crossword. Got it in the end-7 up is lemonade...... :twisted:
  15. D'oh! Just had another look at them and everything has clicked into place. Me can be very stoopid at times.... :oops:
  16. Then H7's brighter than H4's anyway? :scratch: Somehow,I shoulda known that,as usual, this wasn't going to be straightforward. :roll:
  17. I'm confused. :? :? Got these lights a couple of days ago and had a look at fitting them today-didn't realise you need to change the bulbs to h7's! :x Also how the hell do you wire them in with the uprated loom as the original h4 bulbs have three contact as opposed to the h7's two? So which model of car with H7 bulbs do I need to ask for to fit these lights or will any H7 bulb fit? As usual with inpro,the instructions are less than helpful,what with being in German....... Maybe I have to go and stare at them for a bit longer... :roll:
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^^Where from and how much?
  19. WOOOHOOO!!! :cheers: I got a mention. 8) :rainbowafro:
  20. Blown


    Supposed to be an air duct like wot they have on WRC cars. Although to me,it looks like a NYC cab gone wrong. I'm in two minds about the red one-fair do's to the owner for trying something different with the seventies metalflake,but did he have to try it on a Corrado? :?
  21. Aye,Davies Geddes.Next time you see him,ask him about the barrels he's gonna send to me,that I'm still waiting for! The ferry form Gills is the cheaper one,as it's privately owned. IIRC it's something around £90 for a car and two adults one way. The boats not quite luxury standard(it's an old Calmac tub),but you can get a cuppa and a bacon sarnie! Nick,yes there is cider-loads of it. :scratch: :cuckoo: :lol: Along with a local brew known as "skullsplitter beer"......... :twisted:
  22. Riley,take the small back cover off the charger and check the small toothed belt for tension/wear. If the belt is slack or worn,it could mean that the shaft is moving inside its bearing. Might be that.Someone will probably point out something far simpler.... :lol: Also check that the mounting bolts on the bar underneath the charger are tight and that the cast alloy bracket isn't cracked.
  23. That's gotta be a euphamism for angel eyes then... pluck Mr Wales :D :thumbleft:
  24. Just sent the charger off to JMR for it's rebuild,sent the front bumper and grill to the local bodyshop for a respray and ordered the marmite headlights from Venom. If I keep going at this rate,I'll be lucky if I can afford a cardboard box to sleep in when I go on holiday next month,let alone a hotel. :lol:
  25. Chubbybrown,yeah,them flight numbers are the ones we have most problems with! You'll know Rab Muir then,works for AirBP here? I know one or two of the BA guys down there-some of them have been here on relief work.Eleanor,George,Davie-most of the BA duty managers.:nuts: Yandards,Wroughton is the place I was trying to remember. Butterfly,there are plenty of campsites-and if the weather's not that good,i'm sure I could get accommodation sorted out. :wink: :lol: And just to put the icing on the cake for you,I was out for a walk this evening and saw a pod of around 6-8 Orca whales swimming just off the coast. :D :D I had to add that cos it's a rare sight around here and I was chuffed to bits on seeing them! PS your all most welcome to come here-if you want to let me know,I can see if I can get a discount on the ferry crossing for you. :thumbleft:
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