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VR6 Russ

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Everything posted by VR6 Russ

  1. It all matters where you live. High and low risk areas.
  2. I'm paying just over a grand on my VR and i'm 21 with only 2 years no claims, which I think aint bad considering some companies were charging over 3 grand.
  3. Just been quoted £220 for the labour and £380 for the springs and shocks. So £600 in total. Labour seems quite a lot to me, but the garage seems pretty good, been reccomended by a few people. Anyone else had these fitted for cheaper, and I really do not want to attempt this my self. Cheers
  4. Cheers for the replys guys. I think i'm gonna buy the kit and get a garage to do it, not very mechanically minded and not a lot of time on my hands. Has anyone had them fitted in my area, and done a decent job, cos my standard shocks are the originals and after 133K they are completley knackered and it handels like a boat.
  5. I am about to order my Koni shocks and springs and was wondering if anyone can recommend anywhere fairly nearby to fit these for me. Also how much for labour am I roughly looking at. Would it be cheaper for a garage to get these in for me and fit them, or for me to order them myself. Thanks
  6. Does anyone have any way of finding out how many registered Corrado's are left, on the roads. Would be very interesting of seeing how many have gone to the big scrapyard in the sky....
  7. Manchester to Maidenhead. Via London. 184 Miles
  8. Hi Simon Just to let you know I have already viewed this car over two months ago so it obiviously isn't selling. It has quite a nasty scrape on the rear quater and the wheels are in need of a refurb. The bloke seems genuine but the body is not in the best of nick. Also the rear disks were very dirty compared to the fronts so it looks to me as if they are not clamping. Sorry to put you off but just thought i'd let you know.
  9. Many Thanks mate I will check it out tonight. How much will a new lambda cost and is it easy to fit?
  10. On average i'm getting about 27-29MPG in normal driving and managed 35 on a long journey don to Bournemouth which I dont think is too bad. It does generally run quite lumpy but I heard that all VR6's are like that. Will I be losing any power or doing any damage whilst driving it?
  11. I did clear it initially and It did'nt return straight away. Then i run up the software again and the fault came back. Should the fault come back straight away? Does anyone know if there is a fault with the car judging by the o2 activity and the fault code? Or am I being paranoid? Thanks for the help so far.
  12. I ran the test on Group 001 and the only blocks I remember seeing were The Idle speed - 680 RPM The coolant temp - 85 C And the third block I think was around 0.79 and dont recall it changing, not sure if that was the o2 activity?? Also the engine was idling right through the test.
  13. Hi all, Yesterday I ran a VAG-COM diagnostics on my VR and It found one fault. 00537 - Lambda (Oxygen Sensor) Regulation 11-00 - Control Limit Not Reached As I have limited knowledge on what this means is anyone able to help. Is it something that I should ignore or is it quite important. I also ran basic settings and let the car idle to sort the stalling out to no avail. I think I am going to have to clean out the ISV?? Cheers
  14. The mechanic has just had a look at it and he has already fitted and new switch, and sod's law the radiator started working again, so its an intermitten fault. He seems to think that it is the relay that is at fault so i've got one on order and should be here tomorrow. Thanks for the repliys guys.
  15. Hi all, I just picked up my Corrado VR6 this morning and it has a very annoying problem. The radiator fan kept running for over an hour when I stopped the car and has run the battery flat. I am now stuck at work with my new car and I cant even start it. Has anyone had this problem before and if so how did you fix it. Many thanks and looking for a fairly rapid response Russell
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