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About DaveStorm

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/16/1974


  • Location
    Hereford, England


  • Occupation
    Service Engineer
  1. Was around Pontypool today and a lovely clean black rado on a private plate ending in ROD pulled up beside me, very very nice whoever you are!
  2. Superb result mate, glad to see it looking so good.
  3. Glad you have finally taken the plunge to sort the paint Andy, look forward to seeing the results.
  4. Erm this Saturday mate, slightly bricking it now but yes pretty much all set thankfully!
  5. Great news Andy, I was very confident it would fly through, mind you it had hardly done any mileage since the last one.. ;)
  6. I feel your pain mate :( Good luck with the replacement.
  7. Yep got one of these myself with the press F reg G60 on the cover think it's from late 1988. Lots of Corrado content as it's from when it was first released and is still a good read today ;)
  8. Well the Corrado has gone, driven into the sunset by one very happy new owner. Be good to see how it progresses under Andy's ownership, i think it can certainly be taken on a stage or two in the body department, then I reckon he will have a real minter.
  9. Ok hands up. It was me. It is being collected tomorrow evening and I'm GUTTED it's going but needs must! Just glad that it is off to a good home and I know it will be very well looked after.
  10. Got mine today too, thanks Jim, an excellent read as always. Andy I think you may need to write an updated article for the next issue ...
  11. Pleased to hear it got through ok Andy, should sell easily with the care and attention we all know you give to your cars.
  12. Well I got up at 7.30 and everyone had disappeared! Wasn't gonna hang around while the place turned into a mud bath, shame really as Saturday was a cracker. Lovin my new lights Andy!
  13. 10am is fine Andy. Just confirm we are meeting up on Saturday morning mate and not Friday? Wouldn't want to be hanging around the pub for 24 hours ......... or would I?!
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