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Posts posted by GTi.Si

  1. I use a landrover forum aswell, they have a 'Sell & Support' section. Its basically classifeds and you can specify how much (money or percentage) you will donate to the forum. Its a good idea, especially for people like me who have lots of stuff that may otherwise get scrapped!

    May be a good way of raising a bit of extra cash for the forum?

  2. Grey Corrado in bath. Going along the little bit of dual carriage way / junction next to the river / train station (not a good explanation I know)!

    Heard somthing and saw you, couldnt make out the reg.

    I was the other side of the river under the railway station fixing some site equiptment.

  3. I've got the box out today, diff pin has come out and smashed through the case. Should be picking up a box on Monday night from up the road.

    Also my 12k old standard VR6 LUK clutch is almost worn out, was told they could handle 300lb/f torque, which I don't think mine is. Not that its useable anyway, covered in oil. Its got hot and there are scorch marks on the flywheel and the pressure plate.

    What does everyone use in charged/turbo VR's? Paddle clutch?

  4. My Gearbox blew last night on my charged VR. Not really too suprising as its had 140k as a standard VR6, and 15k of abuse as a Supercharged one! :D

    I've heard of diff rivits bein a problem, and seeing as the diff case has the holes in I wouldn't be suprised if this has happened. Is there anything I can do to stop this happening in my next box?

  5. I had a very similar problem on an old mk2, I ended up removing the whole imobisiser from the car. It didn't make any difference, ended up being an after market relayed headlight kit that had water in 1 relay causing a short, but you could have water in the back of your fusebox.

  6. Yea, sorry. The cooler burst before I changed the pump, hense the new pump. Don't think its head gaskit as there no oil/water mix and it doesnt use water. Surely that would make it low oil pressure aswell?

    Thinking mabey a blockage in an oilway?

  7. Thats what i'm thinking, but what the chances or having a stuck relief vavle on a new oil pump aswell?!!

    Also I took the old pump apart and the valve moves with relative ease, doesn't let much air through though if I blow through it.

  8. I need to know what pressure my VR should be producing at set revs. I've heard so many different pressures I don't have a clue whats right!

    The reason I ask is because my brand new Mocal did this:

    http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/ ... C00941.jpg


    Sent it back and mocal said my engine is over pressure, but they also claim the cooler is tested to 110psi and rated to 150psi and it will require considerably more that this to deform the aluminium. I dont have any oil leaks (which I would expect if my oil pressure is over 150psi!) I have replaced the oil pump but my cheap gauge is still reading over 100psi (which is all the scale goes upto). I have access to a sykes picivant (sp?) garage gauge, but need to know what I should expect.

  9. When I supercharged it I bourght a whole comprehensive kit from Karl. I changed the injectors and fitted a sleath map that was done for Karl's car. I don't mind getting it re-maped if its weak, but if its only tickover thats a problem I can live with it until I want maore power. Hense me wanting to check it through the rev range.

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