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Everything posted by Geeba

  1. Geeba

    VR6 Wanted

    Still looking if anyone is having a new year clean out...
  2. Geeessss why are all the VR6's I'm interested in located in freakin Scotland!
  3. Gesssss why do they all have to be sooooooooooooooo far away! :(
  4. Geeba

    VR6 wanted

    Hi Matt, was just wondering if you have still got the car for sale?
  5. Has the car been left as it was in the build thread? brakes/suspension etc? does the climacontrol work? Is the engine out of an R32? - sorry read the thread... looks like the 2.8 4motion lump....
  6. I'd of pulled your arm off at that price and thrown in a case of beer.... only problem I have is the Mrs doesn't like the colour! :(
  7. Geeba

    VR6 wanted

    Cool - let me know if the one that fell through comes up, I'm also on the look out ;)
  8. Geeba

    VR6 wanted

    This one reads nice... I was really interested but it's a bit pricey for me at the moment unfortunately. http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/volkswagen/corrado/volkswagen-corrado-vr6-------------------1996/6229178 How much was the Blue Storm?
  9. - It is a Corrado - It is a VR6 - It looks awesome - It drives awesome - Buying it will make you awesome LMAO! Classic! Any chance of some interior shots?
  10. Hmmm pretty close to me..... VR6 or G60... that is the question....
  11. Geeba

    VR6 Wanted

    Probably not... I used to work in a body shop and still have mates that paint... so could be something I can get done.... Whats the rest of it like? tin worm? interior all there etc... miles on the dash?
  12. Geeba

    VR6 Wanted

    What sort of cash will you be looking for it?
  13. Geeba

    VR6 Wanted

    Hi Lilfuzzer, do you think its possible to reverse the R32 mod fully? nice looking car but I'm just wondering once they've gone that far if its possible to get it back to close to OEM? Is the lump close to going in?
  14. Geeba

    VR6 Wanted

    Hi Lilfuzzer - tell me more about the blue one ;) - the Mrs has said no Green cars :(
  15. Keep the 8v and spend a bit of cash on that and keep it looking stock? Port and polish the head, maybe a 1900 or 2000 block balanced and lightend? - I did this to 8v MK2 Golf some years ago it rolled 139BHP and would easily keep with a 16v
  16. Geeba

    VR6 Wanted

    Hello all Long time shirker around the forum as I'm a Golf fan/owner but I'm now feeling the urge for a Corrado. Looking to possibly purchase a VR6, a good solid original example would be nice of course but I don't mind doing some work on it, non runner, no MOT etc I'll consider all. A Storm would be prefered, but not in the green.
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