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Posts posted by staffs_til_i_die

  1. I hear what you are all saying, but...


    I would wait and see what a few tasteful mod's would do it. I do like the Corrado as standard, but when you upgrade the rims, drop it a bit, de-badge it, sort the lights out, etc. etc. it turns into a different animal. No doubt some owners will change a few things, but I expect some pro's will do something more dramatic, like stick an Audi front end on.


    One thing that is missing is the speed-activated spoiler. The new TT has one - where's the Scirroco's??? My favourite toy.


    On another note - I would consider buying one, simply because it's safer than my C. I now have two kids (both under 3), and the lack of airbags, etc. is something I worry about. Looks wise, there are better looking cars, but I guess, like the Corrado, you won't see many of these out and about. Everyone has Golfs and TT's, so this is a bit different. It needs to be more aggressive looking though. If the new Scirroco appeared in your mirrors, would you move out of it's way?


    Bought What Car? yesterday. The new Peugeot RC Z looks good (a bit TT ish)...

  2. Thanks for all the tips fellas. Don't have £400 to shell out at the moment + that would be the cost of a carbon bonnet (roughly)...


    The colour is moonlight blue, which I think is quite rare. I've heard midnight blue mentioned here a few times, but my C came with a touch-up stick which is moonlight blue. It's very dark blue, and looks black in some light conditions. I love the colour, hence I am so pee'd off to see stripes of metal in it!


    Will get a few quotes and will look into the other things you mention.



  3. ... and torture them over many years... :censored:


    Some mutha-fukca has keyed the bonnet of my C :mad2: :bad-words: . Two nasty scratches, which go down to the metal. Each is about roughly 6 inches long. Anyone got any ideas? Will this need a full respray on the bonnet? Is this something I can do? And if it has to go to the paint shop, how much would it cost roughly? If it's going to be lots, it may be time for that carbon lid.

  4. Thinking of putting some Mk5 Golf GTI alloys on my C. Saw some on a Mk4 the other day and really liked it. Haven't started looking at whether they'll fit yet (no doubt mine will need adapters as it's a 4 stud Valver) but wondered if anyone has seen this. Tried a bit of photochopping the other day but didn't get very far.

  5. Nice mate. I'm hopefully starting a new job soon which will involve a much bigger commute. The 25mpg I get out of my Valver just isn't going to cut it, so will no doubt have to sell, and get something more sensible. Thinking of a diesel, but out of interest, how many mpg do you get out of the A4?

  6. Right, clearly I have an "uprated" headlight loom, as parts of it are zip-tied onto the car. Can't imagine Karman did that...


    Found some fuses tucked away down the side of the battery, changed those and hey presto - lights!


    Thanks for all the tips. Still need to get the switch fixed though as turning the lights on and off is a bit of mission!

  7. Just been out again and checked the switch. It's knackered. Lots of bits of the plastic inside have broken, and so it may be that it's not pushing on the other part of the switch. Is this a generally crap part as when I bought the car, there was the same switch, broken again in the driver's door bin.


    Also, noticed that when I put main beam on (blue light on), something clicks behind the headlight on the near side (but not on the drivers side). Is this a relay problem?

  8. Good choice on the weapons front. I'm after some weapons grade plutonium if you've got any. It'll destroy chavmobiles from range, and you can even use it as an alternative fuel source to power the car. Amazing. And environmentally friendly too...


    (The FBI has probably scanned this post now, and are sending a SWAT team) :lol:

  9. There's a guy who lives next to me whose got a battered F reg Sierra Cosworth. Part of me hates it. Especially when the fecker blocks the pavement outside my house with it. But another part of me loves it. Wouldn't mind a drive in it...

  10. Hi Andy,


    I'll take one of your top of the range, top shelf looms (only hardcore for me!)


    Sounds like you have a lot on though. Any ideas how long it would take to get one to me? And is it possible to be bumped up the list (apologies for being cheeky everyone else!) There is a problem with my lights - the full beam doesn't work, and consequently driving around (with 2 kids in the car) isn't safe:




    If you've got too much on, I'll have to take it to a garage I know.





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