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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. 5k is decent VR6 money, and though no doubt your 1.9 16v is running great and pretty powerful, it simply doesn't have the breadth of appeal of a VR6 to the buyers out there. The rest of the car would have to be truly immaculate to reach 5k on a 16v. Sorry can't advise on the best places to advertise, I only really know the CF .. :) I'd suggest you ask for offers on the car. Maybe drop the price by £500 - £1000 and see if there's any takers..
  2. I think you should replace it with a 1.1 Rover engine out of a 1983 Mini Metro HLS. They were pretty nippy! (pass the dried frog pills bursar)
  3. To where? Your own private island appears to be about the only option left.
  4. Absolutely. But what's the problem here? You modify your car, you might think you're choosing "quality" items. But if you are actually fitting rubbish, then your car doesn't deserve to be on the road, right? And surely it's obvious that the tester will have to spend more time checking.. so it'll be more expensive. As usual, let's not jump the gun here. Leave the Daily Mail to do the campaigns against nothing-in-particular and we'll wait for some facts before we make our judgement.
  5. Read the small print. It's nowhere near as draconian as you would assume, simply from reading that article.. Note it says "strict tests for modified cars". It doesn't say "banning all modifications outright", does it?
  6. dr_mat

    VR6 Noise ??

    Could be the main water pump bearing, particularly as you reckon the pulley is a bit iffy ..
  7. For it's time it was "sporty" in it's handling, actually. Modern cars are all built to handle like go-karts, because mom's gone to iceland and needs good suspension on that smooth car park. Also it stops people spilling their drinks on roundabouts. Or something...
  8. dr_mat

    Full beam problem

    Go to a reputable electrical shop (i.e. not Halfords) and ask for an automotive fuse of the required amperage that is slow acting.. Or some suitable fuse wire and make your own fuse. When you first switch the lights on, their resistance is lower and the circuit carries an instantaneously high current (maybe higher than the rated amount). As the bulbs heat their resistance increases (and they glow!) and the current drops to a more "normal" level. Sceptics should read this: http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_1/chpt_12/4.html ;) "Fuses can be designed to blow fast, slow, or anywhere in between for the same maximum level of current."
  9. dr_mat

    Full beam problem

    Get a slower acting fuse ...
  10. I think you'll have to start simple. QE2 in a whisky bottle maybe ...?
  11. Brentacre, Greenlight, Adrian Flux, HIC .. errr ..
  12. Most people who are "vocal" on the forum have modified cars, true enough. I find it quite annoying being stuck in the same three or four insurers every year though, that's very restrictive.
  13. Would be better to stick to the OE NGKs. Many people have reported problems with the multi-electrode plugs. You can get NGK platinums for £6 each, even from VW!
  14. Not wrong, just different. Your car was modified anyway.
  15. IIRC you have two choices: drop the subframe or remove the steering column. There's no way to get the UJs disconnected otherwise.
  16. Well the 24v vr6 manages that by having variable valve stuff...
  17. Then the only risk is in resale value. But presumably you're getting it cheap, right??
  18. .. Apart from insurance and resale ramifications. Despite the R32 being a "standard" engine in *a* VW, it's not a standard engine in *your* VW, so you will get shat upon for insurance. And this will have a significant impact when/if you sell the car too - the buyers will be looking at a car that's had an engine swap and that they will have a nightmare insuring. I agree, there are many upsides, and they probably outweigh the downsides, but don't rush in without thinking about this stuff.
  19. You may be right about the engine codes, but I am pretty certain that only the VR6 had the capability to store ABS error codes, and I thought they were stored by the ECU, not the ABS controller. (Anyway, the VR6 has a completely different ABS controller setup to the G60, afaics.)
  20. I kinda like that. But I'm still not sure I want to make the leap.. It's such a cliche, silver wheels, but they are *so* prevalent that a car that doesn't have silver wheels still looks odd somehow.
  21. Brilliant, perhaps this should go into the knowledgebase? It would be ultra-cool if you'd taken some pictures too ... :)
  22. VAG-COM works on the G60 ABS unit, but it won't remember the faults, so as soon as you turn the ignition off it's forgotten ... Have to scan it while the ABS light is actually on.
  23. Plugs were changed ... he would know if one was oiled up, we would hope. Though he does use CAPS LOCK ALL THE TIME, so all bets are off! ;)
  24. Misfire is general spark related. Does it misfire on two cylinders or just one? Sounds like the coil pack to me, to be honest.
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