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Everything posted by emu

  1. 15 years old interior, been fully cleaned and restored not more than 2 years ago but still doesn't smell nice. I believe it must be seats foam as everything else was washed including carpet and head liner. Interior was stripped and shell was fully washed inside so it must be the seats. Any idea how to remove bad odour ?? Car was driven few times in last 18 months what made it even worst. I'm starting from putting dehumidify bags inside as starters but really would like to restore nice smell or at least remove old odour. Many different products on market, claiming they do the job but what is the best. Any ideas what to buy ??
  2. Everything is worth as much as people are willing to pay for that. I'd reckon auction will finish around 1500 notes.
  3. To everyone who is planing bidding on it, please don't as I'm going to win it and you only make me paying more :D :D :D
  4. So don't tell anybody :D It's far away from me so might be good deal for somebody who is closer, most of us seen it anyway
  5. Shrick + recaro is worth around 1600 pounds and auction probably finish about that so get a car free :) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281014088429?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  6. Almost centre of Aberdeen
  7. That's nice, I might see You on the road some time, where about in Aberdeen you stay ??
  8. Do you mean the small needles ?? I need to make holes in gauges to fit them over it.
  9. Been 5 months since poor car was parked outside my flat. In that time I got many new hings on it, 2 dents, few scratches and lots of dirt :( I've almost made my mind about breaking it on parts and getting myself something else but... Started it today as one of the bolts holding turbo in my daily passat decided to snap off and now have a lot of fumes getting out of the bonnet. It will be a quiet big job as have to take whole turbo of the car, and fix new stud in so.... Corrado back on the road. Fully charged battery and it started straight away. Everything works as should, drove it for 15 miles and smile back on my face. Just can't brake it, it's safe so far and will have a good clean tomorrow. I will keep it as a spare and fun car till end of the year, then is going to garage for hibernation and will decide what to do next summer.
  10. Today is my 5th day being off sick, 2 more and I'm coming back to work
  11. I have brand new one for sale 85 quid posted Might have used one as well for 45 posted
  12. 250 is way off, front bearing from a-z takes about 2h, it can be done faster but mechanics are usually not in a hurry Did you ask garage to fix it without asking how much it will be ??
  13. 2,5 hour of labour so usually 150+ pounds
  14. emu


    Quick pictures, still in some wrap 2 parts missing, of course missing on pictures only, they are in garage, just didn't have enough time to dig them out.
  15. emu


    Just sent You PM
  16. emu


    I'm not far from you if you like to have a proper look. Can do a picture but it will be some time next week probably. Dashboard doesn't need to be modified and it looks like that in the back I believe sunroof don't need to be changed although my mates car had no sunroof
  17. emu


    Got that if you interested http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?72713-Wiechers-6-point-roll-cage-type-E-aluminum-polished
  18. You can buy very nice 400ps evo 6 for that price so no wonder nobody willing to pay that much.
  19. Yep, thinking about it every day and decision is almost made. Corrado will go, unfortunately in parts as will get double the money like that.
  20. My mate is looking for one so thought maybe someone of You had one before and can share some experience ?? For me is a brilliant looking car, permanent 4 wheel drive, excellent engine, you can get one even under 5k but it use a lot of petrol and insurance cost a lot as well.
  21. Basically I'm planing to do some other oil/gas or health and safety courses in my own time to give me better start when I finish college and uni. Still have 4 ears to go as just started but trying to get as much qualification as possible in this 4 years. There is plenty of expensive related courses but which are the best, which one give me the best possible qualification ?? I know it probably depends what I plan to do after finishing uni but the answer is that I don't really know yet, so anything considered so far. Thanks in advance.
  22. its 90A PM me if you interested
  23. Have that for sale, reckon from VW, not used since, just trial fitted. Pulley is used as you getting it without any pulleys. - 115 posted as cost me 175 around 15 months ago.
  24. I believe that most of You been thinking about moving on, selling Corrado and buying something else. Been there so many times that I can't even remember. For the last 11 years I had 6 different Corrado and I loved all of them. Sine I decided to back to college and uni right after I get my HND I don't have time for anything. Corrado is sitting and doing nothing. My garage is empty now so I can store it there but don't really know if I like to keep it there for next 4 years or more. Was thinking about selling it but current market won't give me more than 1500 pounds for it. I can brake it and get bit over 3k in parts but really have no time to do this. Probably I will put it in garage and will start removing parts from it in my free time and brake if finally over next summer holidays. Already broken 2 Corrado on parts but this one is to good to do this. I know this is the end, one way or another
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