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Everything posted by thesingh

  1. Are these the type of material I should be looking at? https://elwirecraft.co.uk/product/12v-inverter-for-15-metres-el-wire-with-crocodile-clips-3/ https://elwirecraft.co.uk/product/el-panel-7cm-x-11cm-a7/
  2. They sold out off non air con one otherwise if be happy to pay for the finish product. I dont mind doing a bit of DIY projects, but the guide I saw, a few months ago, I did not understand the electric part of it. I suppose i can revisit it. Is this the correct EL lights? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F302900154544 What should i search for when looking for the inverter?
  3. Thanks mate. Spoonfed only have late style with aircon. Does anyone know the difference?
  4. Beside breakers, is there a place I buy new replacement heating control lights? Ive had a look at the usual ebay, google, VW heritage etc... but no joy. Thanks for any help.
  5. As I have my heater control out, I need to replace the bulb. I have read a lot of threads from 5 years ago and further, but wanted to know if anyone has upgraded this recently and if there is any new tips and ideas to improve this.
  6. I thought I would share an update. I manage to get everything with no problems. Was worried abou tthe glovebox but this came out with ease. Ran into problems with the 3 bolts in the engine pay. Rusted and spinning. Will tackle it again on Saturday, may need to cut the bolts off. Fingers cross everything be OK over the weekend.
  7. Anyone got a working sunroof and a Pedal box?
  8. Ahh man, not looking forward to doing this now! haha
  9. ohhh, sounds like a b*tch of a job, you saw it off and get a replacement glovebox?
  10. thesingh

    Trim clips

    To piggy back off this post, does anyone know if these are the right clips for C Pillar?
  11. As subject says, I am going to take the dash out and replace the heater matrix. Is there anything else, I can change and do whiles I have the dash out. Any advise, tips and hints for the task in hand? Thanks in advance.
  12. No problems, has anyone tried anything else to get heat in the car?
  13. Thanks How much did he charge for the job?
  14. Send me some details, it wont hurt to enquire.
  15. My Heater matrix is currently being bypassed as its no longer working. At the moment, I am unable to find anyone who is willing to take on the job of replacing it (based in South London). Has anyone got any ideas for any external heating solutions? I purchased a heater that uses the cigarette port, but that was terrible. Unable to find a battery powered heater. Anyone got any ideas whiles I find someone to fix it?
  16. I have an 8v I am condering selling. brand new clutch fitted a few months ago, cambelt water pump fitted 6,000 miles (2 years ago) ago. Send me a message if you are interested.
  17. thesingh

    G60 ECU Loom

    Does any one have a ECU loom for a G60 please?
  18. Thats great. Just wrap gym mats around the car.
  19. I found this http://www.bumperbully.com/ could be worth looking into.
  20. Thats a shame... Think I need to invent one.
  21. 2nd dibs if you have a working sunroof.
  22. So I live on small road with no drive or garage so I need to park on the street. As time gone on parking has been come an issue and alot of tight spaces that forces people to park in to. Unfortunately it has become very regular that my poor Rado gets a new bruise around on my bumpers, which is really annoying. I tried a google, but unable to find anything. I was wondering if anyone has come across a product or a car cover that could help reduce any parking related damage. I was considering two cones on up against my car on each side.
  23. Do you have a complete sunroof please? Also looking the the surrounding for the interior light.
  24. Is this any different for the 8v?
  25. As the title says, I am looking for the Leaver/Handle for the driver side front seat. I am also looking for the screws that holds the black trim that is located on the side of the boot door. Thanks
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