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Everything posted by Skyway

  1. OH HELLO!!!!! Lovely sound and s**t off a shovel.
  2. Looking good mate, dead chuffed for ya.... just love the colour and I'm starting to get really hooked on it. Whats with the RSJ's holding the dash together though? Was that already fitted?
  3. The bonnet stay is connected to the inner wing panel, it's just a rubber grommet through a hole so it'll still be there when you remove the front end... well unless you're cutting the wings off!!!??? How much of the front end are you taking off? Axle stands are good enough as long as they are half decent and not extended to far and you're on the flat, I always place an old wheel underneath in case of emergency anyway.
  4. Piece of cake bud, two 17mm bolts underneath either side then just slide it out. You should then see at least 4-5 inches of tubing on both sides. Also, if you just want to clear the sunroof drain tubes with an old brake bike cable or bonnet cable (in sit u), as already stated, remember that the back tubes are sometimes tricky as they have been entwined (not in a straight line) through the bodywork and can require a hefty pull even when removing. Can never seem to work out how lots of C owners get loose rear drain tubes off the sunroof, these tubes are fitted snug tight, can only presume that somebody prior to them has removed the tubes before and not refitted them correctly???? or they've had dumb a***s in the rear seats punching the head lining?? Hope that helps a little.... :salute:
  5. 004 (8) - Copy.JPG[/attachment:1c76wsqw]
  6. Remove the back bumper and you'll notice the tubes either side. They drain out in the recess created by the bumper.
  7. Just love the BBS wheels, always had a soft spot for them whatever VW they're on. Whats with the cut away in the centre of the rear bumper? Did it used to have a tow hook?
  8. Perfect colour with the leather interior and terrific job with the flooring, like to know where you got the carpet from. I removed and cleaned up a couple of carpets last summer and spent ages scrubbing, soaking, freshening and drying them. Your method seems far less taxing!!!! Just started to polish up a spare manifold myself, don't think you notice the difference at first until you compare it up against old photos. Well done with all the hard work going into it.
  9. Do I need to change the whole unit? I've got the seals ready to do. Gonna drain the lot out and put some fresh oil in, then generally keep an eye on it to see what happens. Along with doing the seals I have ready to fit. Cheers for the info people :wink: Top tip to use a flush when you drain the oil if you've that much c**p in there, have you checked if there's any of it in the header tank and it's top hose(which is another sign of the head gasket going). Would suggest a flush, filter and refil followed by a good road test to see if there's any loss of power to start with. Seems abit excessive though.
  10. Can't see how it could justify that price tag but would be interested to see if it sells. I managed to pick up some old Corrado and Golf manuals from a car boot last year(used), never thought they might actually be worth something, think I only paid 20p for them each. Might have to do some investigating about that now! As for the wally cars... blimey I've got 4 on me shelf in the garage, £12.50....think not! At least this has given me some confidence in selling my 1970's Tiger annual with a picture of a MK1 golf in it that I've had since a kid... NOT!
  11. Pukka motor, well worth all the work.
  12. Removal is basically not that hard and as already stated just take ya time visually checking around the engine for anything still connected. Tie back any wiring, coolant hoses and gear linkage as these may catch and fowl as you are lifting the engine out. As for leaving the manifold on and separating the exhaust at the cat....mmmmm tryed this once before and was unable to lift and pull it out as the angle of the downpipe kept catching on the steering rack. Think it's all really down to just taking your time whatever your previous experience may be. I've always bagged or boxed every part removed so save every used butter carton, ice cream tub or coffee jar going and it'll help you in the long run and also let you easily inspect the condition of parts as well as clean them. Also if you are using a crane of any description the most important thing is the positioning of the chain, rope or connecting rod that you are using to the engine, if it's slightly loose then you'll get it tilting which is a pain in the back side when you are refitting. VW do have their own engine brace but I've never used one before. Best of luck, shame that you're not closer as you could have borrowed my engine crane, it's not the best but does the job.... similar to what my wife says about me ironically....
  13. Hey it's the in thing with us REMF's, VDUB all the way.... :salute: Good to hear from you chap.... stag on, I'll just carry on polishing spanners and dodging tiffy's as all good VMs do. p.s. didn't know Gorillas were able to drive C's ha ha ha all the best bud....
  14. Cheers for the link, loads of info and the fella has done it as simple as possible. Maybe not such a distant thought then, I've also been told that the golf set up fits as well. Think I've got some more research to do....
  15. UNDER BODY 4X4.jpg[/attachment:1m3zfo4s]
  16. Bloody hell.... ave you a crystal ball there? been looking into that today. AWd turbo mega bucks though!
  17. Yeah know what you are saying... My budget isn't all that bad but still haven't decided to modify or to keep it standard. Think it's something that you can easily get carried away with. never thought that it would be this brain draining!! Corrado's heh!! love them and hate them at the same time.....
  18. Think the mystic Blue or white is the best, already had too many black cars and got so cheesed off with continuously cleaning it. found this one on corrado world from the states.... mmmmmmm Champagne... NAH! 1993_vw_corrado_02.jpg[/attachment:7aa46acw]
  19. Hi all, Thought that I would throw this one at the forum to see what advice/opinions I'd get back. I've only just got back on the forum and working on my C's after several months off after an accident at work and this weekend managed to finish stripping one of my VR6's. The initial intention was to store and keep some of the parts for my other C and then to sell/scrap the rest but with the engine stripped on my work bench and the almost perfect shell sitting on the garage floor I can't help but thinking a total rebuild.... :scratch: After reading through various threads on here and looking at hundreds of photos I can't help thinking 'what if'.... How about uprating engine components and maybe fitting a turbo, shall a go for a body kit so I have 1 original C and the other modified or even cut it in half and make an identical trailer to my original C????? :shrug: I'm certainly not shy with the spanners so getting stuck into a project won't make me lose any sleep but with a 2 year time limit before I'm abroad again 'working' and an ever impatient wife (who still can't believe that I've packed away and stored most of the C in our loft) wanting me to make my mind up it's now decision time.... Help! 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdf021.JPG[/attachment:1um7uof5] 022.JPG[/attachment:1um7uof5]
  20. opps! sorry correction, off side all smashed up.
  21. Just seen a dark green Rado in a middle of a field on the M11 (on the left going southbound) just north of the M25..... Don't know if anyone has mentioned it already..... looks like it ploughed off the road, through the hedges, down the verge and ended in the field.. all smashed up on the near side so the driver must have taken a knock.. hope he or she is ok..
  22. What a day! Just spent virtually 2 weeks enjoying swine flu and within the first few hours of being behind the wheel of my beloved Rado again it's gone and blown the radiator!!! Maybe it was just cheesed off that I hadn't paid it any attention recently? :gag:
  23. Tell you what... that looks the mutts nuts bud... might have to give that a go, looks real good.
  24. Absolute class!!! Mental note....... Try not to ask a silly question if sarcastic members on line..... Feel sorry for him now, bless him. He had better put up some more info before he gets ripped apart... ha ha ha :D
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