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Everything posted by rodmax

  1. rodmax

    Brake compensator

    I have one if you get stuck Thanks rod
  2. rodmax

    Tweeter speaker

    Hi i may have one,will check & get back to you Thanks rod
  3. Hi ,i have the support,will try & get a quote for the postage Thanks rod
  4. Hi Jay got the heat shield off,it's in good condition ,still in its original shape. no nasty dents ,all but one of the mounting holes are good,but the rear most does have some corrosion and the mount hole is a little larger. Let me know if it is of use Rod
  5. Hi i've got some mims (very retro) with good tyres in nice condition offers around 220 thanks rod
  6. Hi Jay will have a look at the one i have & get back to you Rod
  7. rodmax

    Brake servo

    Hi Im sure i have one ,will check later & get back to you Thanks rod
  8. Hi i have one if you get stuck Thanks rod
  9. Hi i may have what you need ,i just need to check the fleck colour ,do you need hump or non hump Thanks rod
  10. Hi ,i'm pretty sure i still have it,will check & get back to you Thanks Rod
  11. Hi i have a good kr exhaust system & good rear brakes (dont think there is any difference from a 1.8 to a 2.0) I'm in gloucestershire ,well you did say you travel around a bit Thanks Rod
  12. Hi ,i have good glass in the 16v i'm breaking,your are well to come up & remove the quart glass. by cutting out the glass or cutting out the steel (then removing it from the glass).the t/gate is good too. I'm based in gloucester.
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