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Everything posted by rodmax

  1. Hi ,yes i have that type in the 16v i'm breaking,how much of it do you need let me know Rod
  2. Hi,when i took what was left of the red shell (there wasn't much left !!) to the scrap yard,they weighed in the shell & got me to sign the part of the owners doc saying that it had been scrapped. the doc's were sent off & i recieved a letter from the dvla to confirm it had been scrapped & i was no longer the owner,job done. Hope this helps Rod
  3. Hi i have a set in black with a grey flec if you stuck. Rod
  4. Hi ,i do have a non leaking rad,will check it for you & send you a pm Thanks rod
  5. Hi , i have one, will check its condition & send you a pm thanks rod
  6. rodmax


    Hi ,what size are the borbets
  7. Hi i do have a spare 2.0 ecu, which i can let you have at a good price. let me know if you get stuck rod
  8. Hi, i have a plinth,i'll check it for you & send you a pm Thanks rod
  9. Hi i have one if you get stuck thanks rod
  10. rodmax

    More parts wanted

    Hi i should have a grille,will check its condition Rod
  11. Hi, i'm sure i have one,will check in the morning & send you a pm thanks rod
  12. rodmax

    Heater fan resistors

    Hi,i cant give you any readings,all i can tell you is that the fan operated fine Thanks rod
  13. I too have one if you get stuck Thanks rod
  14. rodmax

    Heater fan resistors

    Hi,the resistor pack in the 16v im breaking is good,give me a shout if you get stuck Thanks rod
  15. rodmax

    Sun roof cassette

    Pm sent Thanks rod
  16. Hi. the rad in the 16v i'm breaking is good,let me know if your interested thanks rod
  17. rodmax

    Sun roof cassette

    Hi ,i've one if you get stuck thanks rod
  18. Hi,still have them,will check the condition thanks rod
  19. Hi , i may need the engine ecu,how much do you want for your one thanks rod
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