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vr6 wont start. stranded! FIXED!!

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EDIT: was the ignition barrel transponder receiver. £25 from VAG



hey all - have had an intermittent problem on my vr6 for a few months now.


every so often when starting the car would fire up but about 1 second later die. starting and holding a rev of around 4k for a few secs has always solved this.


today however the same thing happened but it wont run at all for more than 1-2 secs.


we have:


disconnected batt for 30 mins to let it settle

checked fuel pressure at the rail (OK)

pulled the MAF sensor off (same thing but ran rougher for that one second)

usual arm/disarm the alarm (cobra cat1)


now when the problem has occurred before its always been on starting never while driving or idling.


any suggestions for things I can check would be appreciated. Will try to get vagcom tomorrow (expect a PM mike!!) If we cant DIY it I am going to fling myself to the mercy of an auto spark but thats gonna mean no car till the new year.


help pls :)


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Check that its not something different now.

You may be wrong assuming its the same problem you were having previously.


Check all vacuum hoses for splits - including the plastic box to the back of the engine that has 2 hoses running into it. If the VR6 engine can't keep the vacuum, it'll just die.


Might help - happened to me!

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Sounds like what I had - a dodgy transponder in your key perhaps

Have you got a spare key? Try it with that, see if it starts


dont have a spare key :(


the key I have is solid so not sure if there is anything inside it.


Check that its not something different now.

You may be wrong assuming its the same problem you were having previously.


Check all vacuum hoses for splits - including the plastic box to the back of the engine that has 2 hoses running into it. If the VR6 engine can't keep the vacuum, it'll just die.


Might help - happened to me!


99% sure its the same problem mate. will try around the hoses etc but my gut is telling me electrical. how long does it typically run before dying with a vacuum problem?


thanks for the replies so far lads.

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My vacuum prob I got 2secs out the car the died - irrelevant of throttle.


I take it you're getting a spark?

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Have you got VAGCOM - check the sensors. I had a similar problem and turned out to be the TPS. Also check your camshaft position sensor and relay 109.

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fuel pump is defo ok as the rail is getting plenty of pressure.


Ill check the relays etc down around the fusebox and all fuses.


has to be something that only affects starting tho as anytime Ive had the problem before was on starting - never while running.


Bad time for it to happen too - nowhere will be open till new yr :(

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vagcom says the car was blocked from starting by the immobiliser.


so I guess either the key or the coil is dead. I only have one key so cant test that end.


whats my next step now lads?


cheers for the info so far!



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Ah yes, keep forgetting you've got a late one. You should be able to get another key from the dealers? Best solution is to remove the VW immobiliser and fit a better one, but that's not a quick solution unfortunately!

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kev: picked up a new coil from the dealer so will be fitting that this evening. new key may be a little harder/more expensive to sort.


wont be any bigger work going on as the car wont be in my possession much longer. time to change in the new yr once I can get a decent price for it.

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thats it Kev - need to start with a web of lies and deciet to get what I want before the regime is imposed :D


back on the subject of keys tho - does it cost much to get one done? Im assuming its not too bad if the main key is ok but if its knackered am I in big do do?

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My VW dealer told me it would cost about £40 to get the key re-coded

(Apparently they've got to get the codes from Milton Keynes head office, and they expire after 24 hours??!?! :roll: )


But you mentioned your key was solid? If it's got a transponder in it, I'm pretty sure you should be able to prise the key apart - I can with mine anyway.. :?

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You mean you're over the moon about paying 25 notes for a coil of fine wire and a small plastic housing? ;)

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