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Battery Keeps Dying

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Right - over the xmass period my battery died - the car wouldn't start - AA bloke tested batery and it was totally flat - Bought another and car ran fine for 3weeks until i drove through a huge Ford/flood, Car kept running but as soon as i stopped the car died - AA bloke came again and said it was possibly the alternator??


Any help chaps?


Could it be a dodgy earth somewhere? where's the best place to check?


Is there anyway of checking the alternator?

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The boot light is renowned for not turning off when you close the boot. It could be draining your battery.


The only way to know for sure what's going on is to get a multimeter on the battery. Check that it's being charged when the engine is running and that there's not much (i.e. any) load on the battery when the ignition is off.

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Have you got a clifford alarm on it by any chance?
I dont think its clifford - i know its quantum but whether thats anything to do with clifford im not sure i thought it was to do with scorpion - i have a compact plus immobiliser aswell


cheers for the replies im recharging my battery now and going to lube up the connections - i'll keep you posted on the results

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Have you got a clifford alarm on it by any chance?


What's the significance of having a Clifford alarm? I'm assuming they're good at draining batteries.

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put a 12v meter on battery,live to red,black to earth and see how much voltage you have.now move the black wire from the meter and put it to earth on your engine.you should get same reading,if not your earth strap is broke

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quickest way we test alternaters at work is to start the car, whack on a multimeter, should read around 14v+ then, turn on as many electrical items as possible to really get it working.


then put the multimeter back on and it should be around the 13v+ mark.


if its lower, you have a weak alternater

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Thanks very much ive now charged the battery overnight and will be going through all the different solutions everyone has suggested tomorrow - thanks again i will post another reply with my findings

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I fitted the battery back into the car and tightened all connections including smoothering them in petroleum jelly and i am pleased to tell you my car is back on the road


I'm going to keep my eye on it for a couple of weeks to see and if have any more problems i know where to ask


Thanks everyone who gave advice



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