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Turn 2 Induction Kit

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im sure that its better than the stock airbox with a stock filter. but +13.5whp.. which is a 7.75% increase in overall power? not so sure...


well documented.. ok, when you did the dyno runs were they back to back, no delay between? no ambiant temperature difference? did you have a fan blasting the shit out of the CAI? these are all variables that can make a difference of 13.5whp/7.75% if exploited and nothing is stopping you doing so (we all know that there are some real cocks out there.. not saying you're one of them). a hot engine vs a cold engine alone can make that much difference... so can a jump in ambiant air temperatures. did the stock airbox you dynoed have that dumbass snorkel still in there? were you using a stock paper filter? was the stock filter in the same condition as the cone in the CAI.. ie brand new? what other work has been done to the engine? if it has been modified to handle more flow then the gains seen on that setup will not be the same as a stock setup.


i dont dispute that your intake is an improvement over stock but i really doubt that people with a modified box and k&n panel will see a 7.75% increase in whp on a naturally aspirated engine just like that by fitting an air intake. gains like this on a n/a VR engine are not easy/cheap to find. the numbers seem very suspect to me and a dynograph that i could draw up in photoshop in minutes doesn't convince me. again... not saying youre an ass personally but i know companies have done this sort of thing before. if i believed everything i saw on the internet i'd think there were orgies around every corner *que the music please* :afro:


anyway.. my point isn't to knock your numbers..or your intake system. i swear by cold air and your design is bang on to what i want in my G60. my point was to say that the margin of increased power would be greater on a G60 because of the forced induction.. so it would make more sense if choosing to produce a kit for only one application, that you would do it for the application that would benefit the most from it. i would have no doubts about a 13whp increase on a G60.. i'd even believe 23whp increase at high speeds or with a big fan over a stock box sucking hot air. when i run my car in the dead of winter it amazes me how much quicker it is.. the heat really hurts the performance with the supercharger. but like you said, G60s are rare... i see VR6s all day long so it makes good sense from a business perspective to do the VR.. and we all gotta eat!


apologies for the rant i'm bored at work and my car is sick so no fucking off for coffee break for me. make a G60 setup :lol:

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Just to add my voice in praise of turn2 - I've had the CAI from them (prompt enough delivery - better than some uk suppliers!) and before that their alloy VR6 pulley and stage 3 engine mounts. All top quality gear and as I've said very profesional company to deal with. Recomended.

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ive heard good things as well and im sure their gear is top notch. having trouble with the claimed whp increase from just a filter on a naturally aspirated engine is all.

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How does this mod affect the torque, given that the Turn2 inlet tract is significantly longer than the standard one? Long inlet paths traditionally boost low down torque, so should be good in theory.



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We don't have much demand for this on a G60.




You kinddin me I'd buy one now is i could find one!

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The facts for us are that they're not too many G60's left on the road. For a small guy like me to pay for tooling and buy in excess of over 100 units, prepaying, makes it a difficult project to start.


There were more G60 Corrados built than Vr's and most of the ppl here according to the portal poll run G60's

The tooling cant be that bad.

bent pipe, fixing plate for the G-lader and the mount similar to that of the Vr6 one.

If i was in the UK i would of made one, but here i have no work shop.

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There were more G60 Corrados built than Vr's and most of the ppl here according to the portal poll run G60's



76 G60s vs. 74 VRs . close.

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Did anyone see the G lader rebuild guide in this month's PVW? Seems like a peice of cake. I'll start rebuilding them myself and ship them out at £200 a pop!!



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I have got this kit on now and as well as looking mint the induction roar is very nice.Not a window rattler but nevertheless a nice note,only problem is the petrol consumption to here this sound!!! :(

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ok... what the hell do i do with the charcoal canister. im installing mine as we speak and its all dandy but i have no idea want to do with the charcoal canister. what does it do. someone said u could delete it? please help!

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Just like this dude......


..... "Stuff the canister to the INSIDE of the REAR passenger side wheel well. Due to the limited space on the Corrado, this is the only place"


Thats what it says on the turn2 website!!!



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I also got cold air induction system from TURN2USA... but just a warning their service sucks big time ! :mad:


here u go : http://www.bialy.net/mods/turn2cai/index.htm




I'm sorry that you have not received good service. We're a small company and typically know whats going on all the time. I did remember you had some questions regarding the intake and I thought I'd asnwered them to your satisfaction.




Well Jim ... U didnt gave me any answer on the forum of your company page or by email... so i called it VERY BAD service... and check the date of the thread...well I hope u understand me.... :twisted:


Look for yourself but I bet u already seen it:

http://www.turn2usa.com/ubb/ultimatebb. ... 3;t=000015 :evil:



//Norbert - http://www.bialy.net/mycar.htm

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Im afraid im gonna have to slate Turn2's customer service, it in a word is "APPUALING" I ordered the CIA some 3 weeks ago now and have:


Emailed them 4 times...no response

Posted on there forum 2 times...no response

Made 2 phone calls and got answer machine on both occasions and youve guessed it "NO RESPONSE" :mad:


I can understand and make allowances as he's stated they are a small company, however 3 weeks on and its like trying to wake the FEKIN dead I aint a happy bunny!

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Anyone know what the hell else I can do about Jim's lack of response/interest/service bar me paying him a personnel visit when I go over to the States in January??

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Have you tried their forum?


This is what I used a year or so ago and my questions got answered prety quickly.

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Just too let you guys know avoid this guy like the plague!!

He told me a complete crock of s*** about posting my CAI and even posted on his forum a copy of a bogus reciept.


I know other peeps have dealt with this guy before and have had no prob's to speak of but believe me his recent reputation with a lot of his customers has gone right down the pan.


Its not all bad as Paypal have sorted his deceitful ass by giving me a full refund

This is what they wrote:

"We have determined that the seller is at fault, and as a result, we have

attempted to recover your funds.

The maximum amount we were able to recover was $279.90 USD. This amount

has been credited to your account. Please allow up to 5 days for this

adjustment to be reflected in your account".


Im not in the habit of bad mouthing people unnecessarily but would hate see other people be led a merry dance the same way I and plenty others have been.


Be warned and good luck!!

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This is totally not like Jim.. TOTALLY.. Just spoke with him.. He is well aware of the situation and is attempting to track down the lost parcels. For those that do not deal with international shipments often.. 99% of the time tracking information is not available until the parcel arrives sometimes a few days later. Customs usually messes up everything. I've known Jim for years, purchased many products from him and know that he is a stand up guy.



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The above maybe or may have been true, however what does he expect when he takes $279 from people then leaves them in the dark for at least a month, and the trouble is that this isnt just a solitary isolated case of his lack of communication, he has left plenty of other disgruntled customers "out to dry"!

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Yep I'm with johnboy98 here. It's not on, I've been waiting since end of July for my CAI.

Has he closed his shop down for the past month or something while he traces these parcels? Cos i've phoned him loads of times over the past few weeks and never once had an answer.

I sent you PM on sat yellowsic with my order details for you to pass on to Jim.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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greegs.. your name and john's were mentioned to him this morning. He stated that John has received his money back and he was actively trying to track your parcel down. I'm not making excuses for him (if it seems this way) just stating that things happen and in the end, he won't leave you high and dry. I personally had a parcel lost by the USPS for 3 weeks back in May. USPS finally found it in a bulk shipping tote and got it out to me. So, his local postoffice may be partly to blame.



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Thanks mate. Do you think you could ask him to email me to let me know what is happening and when I am going to expect a delivery please.

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