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Petrol Tank Takes Ages To Fill Up!

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Not a really major problem or anything but when i fill up with petrol it's like there's a blockage in the pipe going into the tank as i can only fill up really slowly, if i try to fill up fast it all spurts out! This gets quite annoying when it takes about 10 mins to fill the tank (91 G60) in the freezing cold!


Just wondering if anyone else has this problem or if it's just me?

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Is it the same regardless of filling station?


I think there is some kind of pressure relief hose in the tank that vents back to the filler neck.....(all under the rear arch) which could be blocked?

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Yeh it's the same wherever i go, takes ages to fill up and at supermarkets there must be a timer as the pump cuts out after i've put in only about £15!


Cheers anyway!

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It could just be that you're not getting the nozzle in at the right angle, it takes a bit of getting used to and if you get it wrong then you end up with wet feet.

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james_88, mine's the same altho not as bad, I think the anti-syphen flap is stuck down the filler neck somewhere, have a look just inside and you should see a metal flap near the top, if not then the same has happened...


I'm going to have a look at mine when I change the fuel pump later in the year....

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like dinkus says, your holding the nozzle wrong, you have to get the right angle and pull it out a bit so it kind of rests on a notch. will work fine then

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Normally pumps stop pumping when the petrol reaches the pump tip, I think there must be a sensor there measuring air quality or something so it knows when your tank is full to the top.

What I've found is that if you stick the handle right down allowing little air to get in, it sometimes cuts out at half full or even less.

Try pulling the handle out a good bit as the guys above have already said.

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paddyg, it works on back pressure... as the liquid goes in, the air has to come out. When the pressure sensor detects that the air is coming back up the fuel filler tube, the pump cuts out.


james_88, check around under your wheel arch for the pipe from the filler cap to the tank to make sure there's no damage to the tube. Then, in the engine bay there's a pipe where the fuel feed and return pipes are (it's the middle one of the three) which is the breather outlet for the tank: Make sure that this isn't blocked off or kinked. You could also look under the car to check that some thing hasn't damaged it underneath the car... 8)

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