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chrishills silver vr6 - the wheels are on!

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its as low as I can comfortably get it without the tyres catching on everything! a fact thats proven by my front nearside wheel which is 'one finger space' lower (for an as-yet unknown reason) catching fairly regularly.


Whats the thoughts on removing archliners on VRs? good idea/bad idea? just thinking for the future and the posibility of coilovers giving a bigger drop.

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ta kev! actually, you may be able to solve a problem I had yesterday... the valves that came with the wheels stick out about 3mm which is no where near long enough to get the nozzle of the air pump thingy onto, how the heck do you blow them up?? (mine were inflated to correct pressures when they arrived thankfully!)

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I don't know mate! The Zed dubyas have the valve in the dish as opposed to where it is on yours, but stupidly they are 9mm instead of the standard 10mm, so they're not easy to get hold of either :roll:


Speak to Simone at RH and see if they can provide you with any longer ones (tyre off job though). I should imagine you can get or make some extenders? Lee might also know a work around as he has the same rims.


RH have some wonderful products but they're a typical, annoying German company....that like to be awkward.

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bloody Germaniese! i guess if style dynamix got them inflated in the first place they should know how its done! why didnt i think of that before? :?


Cant stop looking at it at every opportunity, if i go to the office kitchen and stand up close to the window I can just see the back end sticking out...I've had more coffees today than is probably healthy and some of the other staff think i have some sort of cold-glass fetish.

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try going to a lorry parts supply place, they sell valve extenders that you just use when you need to inflate them

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  chrishill said:
Cant stop looking at it at every opportunity, if i go to the office kitchen and stand up close to the window I can just see the back end sticking out...I've had more coffees today than is probably healthy and some of the other staff think i have some sort of cold-glass fetish.


I know what you mean mate......when I had the RHs I couldn't stop looking at the car either!


Yep, I reckon you just need an extender thingy to pump the tyres up!

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  chrishill said:
ta kev! actually, you may be able to solve a problem I had yesterday... the valves that came with the wheels stick out about 3mm which is no where near long enough to get the nozzle of the air pump thingy onto, how the heck do you blow them up?? (mine were inflated to correct pressures when they arrived thankfully!)


arrh, forgot about that. Fitting the valves is a tw*t, i had to grind down the diametre of a socket. To pump up the tyres you need a valve extender.

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cool, cheers lee, started to get worried when I could only just get my fingers in to take the dust-cap off! :?

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well once the grille and rear lights are done I think i'm going to concentrate on the more mundane things to keep it in good condition. address those few little dents and bits of paint that need touching up and sorting out, replace some of the plastics like the front splitter and the lower plastic grid thing in the bumper, tidying up mainly! not sure modification wise, obivously the standard exhaust needs to get chucked in the bin ASAP but its funding a replacement that might be the chore

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do as others do and have done before you, credit card it!

I want my car to be as nice and shiny and good as my car i sold you instead of this heap i have now, cattle crap!




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I didn't think those wheels would have worked on a silver car. Wrong!!!!!

Looks awesome, amazing the difference a set of rims can make!

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cheers guys! :D


got a few nice comments and a suprising amount of attention at vw festival on sunday, wasnt sure it'd stand up to close inspection as its got a whole host of little bodywork things which need sorting but I was pleasently suprised. I even got a compliment from OSV, which is a pretty major thing to me considering his car is there or there abouts where I'd like mine to be when its (eventually) finished, maybe a little more + than OEM than him though.

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Hello there Chrishill. Where did u get your RH's from? (Styledynamix?). What ET's do they come in? I would be after the 8x17 aswell - how much did u pay for them?

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yes mate, style dynamix. They're (if it remember rightly) et 28 and there are some issues with clearance over the VR's front calipers. I ran them with 3mm spacers for a bit which i wouldnt recomend really, then eventually had the caliper carriers ground back a bit which solved the problem.


The only other issue was getting the center caps on the rears as you have to very carefully tap the center cap of the hub (baring cap?) down a bit so they go on, no big deal really. Clearance is good with a 60mm drop, I can still get full lock with no catching although the right front does sometimes scuff the archliner on big bumps and hard corners. I paid just shy of £900 for mine.


I have to say they've transformed the look of an otherwise mediocre car, I've had alot of compliments on it which i doubt I would get running the speedlines!

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