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When it comes time to sell

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Just been having a discussion with my work mates about my car. Ive currently got it up for sale and had a guy come to look at it yesterday. Thing is i didnt take to the guy at all and hes definatley not en enthusiast. reason for me saying this are:


1. He didnt know much about the car

2. He had even less idea about the mods done to it

3. When i started it up he decided to test it but bouncing it off the limiter. ( till i took the keys out!!!! )


Question is he now wants to but it but i dont want to sell it to him as i think he will either write it off or blow it up an a couple of weeks. My work mates cant understand why i care as i would have the money.


Its more about the fact that i dont like the guy and i do like the car. Can anyone on here understand that or am i just being stupid and just take his money. ( incidently the guy is offering my a good price for the car )



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I can understand it to a point as you have spent a lot of money and time on it and you care about the car, thus making you an enthusiast, but at the same time you do have to remember that you are selling the car to make money and it would be slightly foolish about not taking up a good offer.


But as i said i understand what you are feeling.

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im with collie, im exactly the same with my pug, its a slow dull affair but i'd hate to drive past one day and see it totalled. i'd like to se my car go to a good home, and i hope the guy selling me my corrado see's it as such.

you spend so long in your car you feel terrible at the thought of it being badly cared for

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me too..i can see what ur saying..but having been messed around on numorous occations i know what a nightmare selling a car can be...if hes got the wedge then its a done deal?? would you rather sell it for less than its worth to a nice guy who loves and knows corrados?? (i think i may be able to scrape £500 together!)

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Why agonise so? :?: :? Life can be megatons tougher than this.

It's only a car and you want to sell it, so it cannot be that precious to you. Further, most material things can be replaced by something better.

Take the guy's money - make sure you get it from him securely, though - and if he is such a prat that he writes it off in a couple of weeks that is his problem. Possibly you have him judged wrongly, perhaps he comes across as an obnoxious a##hole but will cherish the car a lot.

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Agreed, once the money is handed over it's no longer your property or your concern what he does with it.


If you do have concerns about it's potential treatment after it's sold, you must still be attached to it and perhaps should reconsider the sale?

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Possibly i have judeged him wrong but i doubt it from the things he said. He also strikes me as the kind of guy that will blow it up then come back moaning to me about it asking for his money back, and thats a problem i dont need on the island!


Do love the car and dont really want to sell it but a) i use it about once every 2 weeks at the most and b) the money would be beter used in the new house were looking to buy.


Even my missus ( who really doesnt like the car ) isnt sure i should sell it to him. To be honest i would rather selling for slightly less and see it go to an enthusiast ( although it will cost you a lot more than £500! ;) )as at least then i know it will be looked after and i wont have to see it driving round with bits hanging off it!

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If you sell it you'll regret it badly. You will not find one as good as yours without looking for a year or two or three.


look at it this way. 4k on a mortgage at 5% is £20 in interest per month. If you pay capital then theres another £14 per month. On top of that do you have to buy another car??


Keep it man.

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Tell him to sod off Marc.


Either that or tell him it'll cost him £7k to cover the mental anguish it will give you.


I can see the dilemma though.

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i think it would only take a short while to get over the loss and soon you'll forget about it and look to something else...


If I was in your position, I would bite my tongue, try to boldly look ahead and take the money... As always, just my opinion

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I know i have to sell the car, as much for common sense reasons as anything else. Pay out quite a bit a month ( insurance, etc ) when i dont use it. Also have the other halfs car to run around in and its only a 5 min walk to work. Im probably going to get a mk1 golf as a little project to play with at some point but the money is more useful for getting the bits and pieces we will need when we get a place rather than the mortgage ( bed, sofa etc as its not worth us shipping our old stuff over )


Think i will hold on till someone else comes along. Been a bit of interest so heres hoping.

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I accept that in an island community you are accustomed to taking a different perspective on things like this than we might on the less restricted space and more populated mainland. We live and learn.

Best regards, 8)


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Try not to be too attached, it is only a machine. I think you will find you won't miss it as much as you think. I have been considering selling mine for the last year, and am very near to putting it up for sale. I was in this exact same situation with my Mk1 GTI, it was my pride and joy and I was very attched to it after 2 years of commitment to getting it how I wanted it. I miss it, I'm very glad I had it and did everything I wanted to with it but also have no regrets about selling it. Time for a new project.

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How much are you asking?

Storm, do you mean me or MBeadell?


I sold my mk1 and its the worst decision I have ever made in my life

Really! I was doing about 20,000 miles a year, and got fed up with the lack of refinement - couldn't live with it every day even though it's the most fun car I have owned. Could have bought it back 6 months ago, but knew it would be a mistake.

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I've kinda experienced this from the other side. My mother decided she wanted to buy a devon VW camper van. This guy flatly refused to sell his camper van to her for what must have been similar reasons to yours. She didnt know anything about them really at the time. She ended up geting sombody else to go there and buy it for her.


The thing is she now wants to get the body work done and it resprayed. (in original colour) But she has been doing research to make sure its done properly. She even knows now that she doesnt want any filler used in the job and is prepared to spend a lot of money on a complete strip down job. This kinda proves that the guy who would sell it to her was entirly wrong.


This guy that you dont want to sell too may not know anything about it. But after he's got it he will probably become obsesed with it and love it like everyone else who owns one does.

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Thats what i have been thinking about if some chav comes to see my car..

i thought i couldnt exactly refuse to sell it to em, just make sure they pay full whack for it, which they probally dont have

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