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How about some pictures of our members ?

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Floating dog biscuits is a winner innit?


have u tried floatin paste? i had a pretty good day we that stuff,although lost more than a caught :lol:

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I refuse to post pictures of me up cos I always get gay comments


Why? :wink:


Heh heh, when I used to go out like that, people would cross the street when they saw me coming so they didn't have to walk past me.


They got very confused when you smiled at them :lol:


And Kev - don't look like that any more, I had to get all sensible for my current job.


What does concern me is why Louie Lungbubble had that pic of me saved on his computer... ;) :lol:

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I got it a few years back when I was a bit pissed off with the world.

The phrase 'kiss my arse' kept springing to mind so I thought what the hell and the rest is history.......

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What does concern me is why Louie Lungbubble had that pic of me saved on his computer... ;) :lol:


It's perfectly natural to have pictures of a handsome boy on your computer... I don't know why he didn't post some of the ones he's taken of you asleep or in the shower that he was telling me about though.... :lol:

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As requested by Mrs Beige....


Hello Sailor!



Well, that's just great isn't! My secret is 'out' now!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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What does concern me is why Louie Lungbubble had that pic of me saved on his computer... ;) :lol:


It's perfectly natural to have pictures of a handsome boy on your computer... I don't know why he didn't post some of the ones he's taken of you asleep or in the shower that he was telling me about though.... :lol:


For some reason I read that as "ones he's taken of you asleep in the shower" and I was thinking "hey, I don't remember ever sleeping in the show...wait a second" :lol:



Besides, I didn't know Louis Theroux was gay... :lol:

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Oh my God! The first pic is Lemmy (from Motorhead)

And is that second pic Gordon Kay (from Allo Allo) :-)

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Stan 24v, woah!! take it as a compliment when i say you are batting whhhaaayyy out of your league! good lad. well done. :lol:


Cheeky tw*t!!! :lol:


She's got an identical twin sister to mate ;)


amazing! now whilst i wouldnt be so rude as to ask for pics of the mrs in revealing outfits, if there happen to be any of the sister.. :norty: :lol:


Forgot to post a pic for you mate, so here goes :wink:


They "may" even be at the camping weekend :wink:

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Forgot to post a pic for you mate, so here goes :wink:


They "may" even be at the camping weekend :wink:



So which one are we allowed to sex pest? :lol:

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