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ok Ive about had it with coolant problems

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ok so I have replaced all but fan and the car is still giving me crap. I replaced the head flange on front of my G60 today and it seems to have an air pocket am not sure but it got up to temp really quick like 2 miles and it was at 230F.

the car has been running at 200-230F over the past little while. sometimes sitting lower, sometimes higher. if I push it it goes over 230 and the little light starts to blink, despite what people think its also a temperature sender, once the temp goes above 235F the light also goes on, its not just level sensor. anyway everything but the fan has been replaced in my car, I mean everything too. in about 2 weeks I am going to buy a slim fan from jabbasport and get them to post to US. the fan right now is a little wacko, doesnt turn on with switches but turns on when I put the climate controls on defrost, so I am running the heater in the summer =-/. I am going to replace both relays that control the fan soon but I just need to know why the thing skyrockets and stays there and sometimes doesnt, thermostat is brand new VW 87C. cant rightly figure it out. anyone got anything I know there are a lot of heat related posts but its been like 8 months of posting for me to figure this out. replace the head flange because it was leaking apparently though its 4 months old, yes it was tight, its just that junk VW plastic that leaks.

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The fan runs when you use the aircon because the aircon rad needs to have some air thru it to work.


Your fan should be running under constant driving conditions. I feel that the temps you are seeing are normal. VW handbooks state that as long as the red light is off an indication anywhere on the gauge is normal.


The Passat I just sold never went much over 70c/160F unless in traffic. My G60 Passat runs near 90C/200F. Should I get paranoid? I don't, the 2 cars are completely different.


Don't spend money on a Jabbasport fan. You could get one in the stataes for less I am sure. There is something simple going on with your car I am sure.



You need to start again if this has been going on for 9 months. Takle a fresh look.


Fan works with aircon but not off the rad switch. WHY??? Is the wiring sound? Pull the plug and short it out to check the wiring. Bentley says how I think. Check the whole of the fan control system per the Bentley.


Did you fill the cooling system thru the top hose, This makes sure the block gets filled up. I don't bother, I just fill it with the engine running and I don't get any probs.


I can't see it being the head gasket, it would have died completely in 9 months for sure.



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no the headgasket was replaced about 6 months ago, with a copper one and ARP studs, also no oil in water. the jabbasport fan is just thin and costs the same amount as one of our fans here, it also has 3 speeds? I know I shouldnt flip out but the thing is that I had it running at 190-200 with that thermostat. its kinda disconcerning when you press the gas and the temp goes down, then goes up. kinda pisses me off.


wiring to the fan is completely strange, someone did a crack job on it and I am going to replace the whole system with a switch inside the car so I can run the fan off the battery if I want it on full speed. hopefully I can get this thing fixed, 230F is way to high for a G60. normal operating temps should be 180-200, your passat runs at 200F which I would love but my car is on some jacked up drugs....


I will try more today and hopefully it will go away....

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ok I might have found out what it is.


the first time I dealt with a head flange I put on some gasket maker stuff, the expensive one you buy, the orange stuff. this is on the one on the side of my G60 head.


my car was running in the 210-230 range today and I could push it before I changed the head flange in front this weekend.


well I put on some more of that orange stuff to seal it.


since I have been driving it the temps have been sitting at 230F the whole time, push it it overheats and makes bubbleness.


does putting the orange gasket sealer on VW cars not work? should I stick with VW's flanges and their O-rings? and is this why my car is overheating, not a proper seal to the head so minor evaporation occurs creating airlock and creating heat?


also could my block be cracked? and how do I check?

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come on guys does putting the orange gasket maker make a leak somewhere?


I will post a pic of where it sits at whenI get home

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... too rich for my blood, I am going back to the 180F thermo asap, along with the jabbasport fan. fans in US cost 170 and they are still aftermaket. jabbasport is 150 plus ship and waiting a month.

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A good flange and an O ring should seal perfectly. Using sealer should promote a leak though.


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promote as in make a slight one worse... ;)


Just out of interest, have you checked what voltage your fan motor is receiving? I know I had lots of problems with J-DUB which turned out to be crappy wiring meaning that the voltage at the fan was around 9V with the engine running... :crazyeyes: The fan appeared to be working perfectly on both speeds, but was hardly pushing any air due to not having anywhere near the correct voltage it needed... ;) Worth a 10 minute check with a multimeter anyway... 8)

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A good flange and an O ring should seal perfectly. Using sealer should promote a leak though.



Sorry in a rush, that should be 'shouldn't' promote a leak. Apologies for the confusion.


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yeah my fan is crapped out, I need a new one. should i buy new flanges? I dont see them leaking though or any coolant residual anywhere. I am going to buy the jabbasport fan just cause its cool and I need a new one. I will probably rewire the whole system too just because mine is wierd and junky. anyone got a good wiring diagram?

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I have got spare fans from Passats in the past. The best diagram is in the Bentley. Buy the book it's worth it's weight in gold.



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I own it, and it is worth its weight in gold, the grease on the pages prove it. I bought that book 2 days after owning my corrado. I have been the one telling people to buy it... hehehe

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Sounds like an airlock? do your heaters work inside?

If it makes you feel better,i blew the bottom rad hose off mine yesturday without knowing,broke down on a big hill and had to push my car on my own up it!!!

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thats so bad dude that sucks. no its not an airlock, I think they are right, I need a fan, and quickly cause I am in need of my car. it really funny I am having trouble fixing my coolant problems and my friend is buying me a lysolm with money he is getting from a car crash settlement, 2500 for a charger when I cant even figure out why my car is running hot.... idiot, just say it.

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