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chris g

Oil warning light

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Driving along today, only doing 30 - 35 mph, and the oil warning light and beep came on. Went of after a few seconds. Pulled up to check oil level and for any leaks but all seemed Ok.


Its not done it since. Any ideas what may have caused this and should I be worried about it?



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Happened mine when going quickly round a roundabout, a few months ago.

Chacked oil level, everything was ok and it didn't happen since

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I had that happen to me today as well, my oil level is fine and there is no leaks?? i was driving harshly and only happened at the roundabout when i got lost...

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To answer both of the above, this will happen as the sump is not baffled as standard altho if you see the light reguarly (ie you like to take corners very fast) then you should think about fitting a baffled gasket to save wear on the big ends...

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It just means the Oil is held by seperating the sump pan...


Think of how firetrucks hold the water in a kind of honeycomb to stop the weight forces of the water pulling the truck all over the road....

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A baffled sump has "ridges" in it which stop the oil from sloshing about in there under cornering... This stops the oil from getting away from the oil pump's pickup and stops the engine from sudden oil pressure drops/oil starvation during heavy cornering... 8)

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i see why now, thanks....i'l just take corners bit more slowly..its lot cheaper...

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