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Do you get stared at as you drive.....

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Used to get looked at allll the time in the G60.. not so much as a hint of a look now with the Golf.

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I dont mind the looking when im driving...its times like last night when i parked it in an 'interesting' area in slough and a group of 8 chavs started to look through the window, and I was only 30 metres away!! Needless to say i kept an eye on her for the time it was parked there!! I had only polished the windows a few hours before then driving home noticed all the greasey finger and nose prints on the windows!! nice :roll:

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not so much as a hint of a look now with the Golf.


Jim, I do when cruising around Coventry in my US-G60, always thinking it could be you, and you might want to see a Rado in the flesh again :lol:



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i get a lot yeah - more than certainly the noisy as hell exhaust thats still on the car - will be interesting to see what thats like when the exhaust is gone...


however, every garage that has worked on it always seems to want a chat about it and really like it - its just too nice a car ;)

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All the time.........


and if they are in front the shove the boot down as they think we wanna race.....


Loadsa stares all the time


Nugget is the colour... 8)

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Jim, I do when cruising around Coventry in my US-G60, always thinking it could be you, and you might want to see a Rado in the flesh again :lol:




Hehe.. well, i've got a keen eye for Corrado's and the Scirocco's if me spotting you at the other on the A45 on the way to meeting for the Stonor show is anything to go by. I could spot your car a clear 200+ yards away without any trouble and I can spot Corrado's even better :D

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Yup, quite a bit. I was sat in a jam near Birmingham today and my gf piped up: "That man's ogling your car." :-)

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Certainly know that feeling of being looked at, my C is understated in Atlas Grey, but the howl of the charger and boost return whistle usually turns the heads. (Either that or the sound of my goddam front spoiler grounding out again!!)

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some guy in a van stopped on purpose so i couldnt get past him once just to say "nice car mate"

long live white van man!

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stared at!!!!


got stared at, followed, stopped and than a rude arrogant sod told me to put my belt on and walked off.


than i got stared at again and this guy was so nice he started asking me all abt my car like he wanted to buy it,,,he was so interested he gave me a bit of paper to go into his office within 7 days to show more poxy details, hes just a tease, he wont buy it !


then on the way home i got shat on by ar$e bandit birds


love the attention of a friday night in london

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than a rude arrogant sod told me to put my belt on


Ah, now that wouldn't have happened had you had the automatic seatbelts :lol:


Then again, the things are so very addictive, that whenever I get into another car, I forget to put the belt on. The automatic setabeltys do attract stares from peeps, too. Recently on leaving my drive, a bunch of teenagers just went "Wow, a Corrado!" I got in after having closed the gate, closed the driver door, and they went "Wow, it's even got automatic seatbelts!"


That made my day, especially as my Mum, who was visiting me over from germany at the time, witnessed it all :lol:



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the greatest thing in the US is that I get stares all the time, from everyone!


they look at the car like, "what the Fu|


the little teens look at it like "whoa cool car!"


the early adults look at it like "wonder if they'll ever make that car again"


the stupid honda racers look at it like "wow that car is cool, where can I get one" , at this point they go into a VW dealership looking to buy a new VW corrado because they think its new! f-in idiots!


my VW dealer said they knew people who wanted to buy my car, 10 people in one month said they saw a red corrado fly by them and they wanted one.... wonder who that was..... :oops: hehehe!


the old blokes look at it like.... "stupid kids" =-)P byte me old timer!


wax it and it gets more looks.... severely.


cant wait till I'm done with it! spent about 8200 UK lbs right now on fixing it and restoring... =-) I know I am nuts, I am also a college student... yeah money = goes to my car... 24/7

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Stares? Best ones I get is still whenever I'm in my Rieger Mk1 Rocco. Today, on the M69, I was having some fun trying to show an arrogant Bentley GT driver that despite his perceived upper-class position in society his position on the motorway should be "get the f*ck" off the fast lane!", as that's where my Rocco was teaching him a lesson :lol:


Well, he did leave the fast lane allowing me past :lol:



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yea my mate just sold his 1.8 rado, and he ALWAYS use to get looks, all the tie and he loved the attention , it sounded soooo sweet which hepled it..but ill never forget the day we stopped and got out of it and some kids walked past and said "theyre the best built beemers i rekon!!! jeez me and my mate looked at each other and thought...errrrr

still cant wait to get me first rado..at 18 insurance is hard!

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My Corrado never really seems to get much attention to be honest. But then it is still on the tiddly 15" factory BBS which look like castors...


I got more looks in my old Mk1 GTI. Lightly modded - dropped 35mm, 15" TSW Blades (it was a long time ago when they came out - mind you, they didn't age nearly as quick as Venoms...), bee-sting aerial, custom single-headlamp grille with grille spoiler and Mk2 lower front spoiler.


That got LOADS of attention.

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The 'rat got checked out by three mechanics at a garage last weekend as I pulled out of a petrol station... Then again, scarlett was sat in the passenger seat so it may not have been the car they were looking at...! :lol:

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drove by the mech shop, got one (they just finihsed work on a VR6 the previous day), got a long stare from the performance place, loved both of em!

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I took one of housemates out to town in the car today!


It was so funny cause he turned around and said that everyone stares at ur car! I feel like a celebrity!!





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