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Death of a (mini) legend...

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It is with sadness that I have to inform you that one of the better known, most cherished, most thrashed-at-trackdays Corrados has probably seen it's last days on Britains roads.


My own car, M100 VRG which has been a regular on Corrado Club stands at shows up and down the country for almost 5 years, was involved in an accident returning from the Goodwood Festival of Speed on June 25th (no - I wasn't speeding either, for a change!)


A sad picture of the damage is attached, but essentially the story is that I was caught out by a roundabout I thought I needed to go straight across... half way around I found out that the exit I intended to take was nothing of the sort, being 1-way only and my "exit" blocked off with a nice big kerb, which I thumped hard whilst still on the brakes trying to avoid it, missed a lamp post by about 1mm (the scratches on the n/s bumper prove how close I got to it) and came to rest where the car was photographed.


At this point I want to make a special mention to Glenn and Wendy who were following me at the time (although not into the kerb it seems). Both folks stayed with me until the car was recovered 1½ hours later. I owe a special debt to Glenn, as he drove 50 miles out of his way to drop me home in Bournemouth before returning to his home in Swindon. it's times like these that you appreciate your fellow Corrado owners, and although I've already thanked him, I want to do it again publicly on here as he's a top bloke.


As you can see the n/s suspension and subframe is trashed, as is the n/s wing and the wheel. I've been told unofficially that the damage extends to the floorpan and that the A-pillar has moved, putting a ripple in the roof. It's starting to look as though the car will be uneconomic to repair.


Needless to say I am completely gutted. I am intending to salvage the car to recover the modified bits for a replacement Corrado and am already on the lookout for a M/N reg car in good order, so if anyone has any leads on a really decent example then by all means send me a PM. If I can find a decent M-plater then my cherished (shurely tacky) registration plate will live again!


Hopefully see you all at E38 with the new chariot, I will return!... you lot ain't rid of me yet :wink:



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Sorry to hear that John. I saw the avitar a few days ago and wondered what had happened but didn't want to intrude on your grief.

Good luck in finding a replacement.

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Sorry to hear about that John, it's not a nice feeling seeing your pride and joy like that... :(


Hope you can get it all sorted with as few hassles as possible, and I'll see ya at E38! 8)

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Sorry to hear John :-( Mike had already informed me of the tragic news at BVF, shame about a well-known Rado.


Wish you good luck with the insurance claim.



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are you sure the damage is that bad?

extensive subframe damage is still only minor and easily repairable - can you still openthe passenger door?

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"A-pillar moved .." and "ripple in the roof" says it's a write off in most people's books!

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A ripple in the roof means that even if it's decided to put it back on the road, the car will never drive properly again.... :(

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So, so sorry to see this, absolutely gutted for you m8.


Hope the search turns up a good un soon


PS I have a big lock on my garage door!

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seen this car at my office in exeter a couple times, and at castle combe, hope you get it fixed asap,


Hi Olly, surprised to see my car has been spotted at Pynes Hill !


To satisfy curiousity I work for EDS and work does being me down to Exeter, although not as much this year as it did the previous two years. Will be down your way next Monday in my (amazing) hire car for business meetings.


Send me a PM if you wanna meet up briefly while I'm there. I will be allowing an extra half hour each way for the trip from Bournemouth compared to what M100 VRG used to do !




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As I said on the phone last week I'm sorry this has happened, I thought the insurance company would wright it off. Let me know when your taking orders for parts, I need a few bits :)

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are you sure the damage is that bad?

extensive subframe damage is still only minor and easily repairable - can you still openthe passenger door?


Apparently it has a small kink in the roof...!

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Car has been confirmed as t/loss.


I will hopefully have the discussions over valuation of both the t/loss value as well as the salvage completed by the weekend.


Once I've got the car back here and stripped down I'll publish the available parts list. Please don't start hassling me for bits until I've done that, as I will be keeping some bits myself. Essentially though what we are looking at is a complete car aside from the farked n/s rear suspension & wing.


More updates soon

John (black armband donned)

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John, still sad, but can't help smiling when I remember blasting past you in the 16v, in the wet, on the way to Inters and recognising your plate. :)

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"A-pillar moved .." and "ripple in the roof" says it's a write off in most people's books!


Just trying to be optimistic :D

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