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Be careful what you write online..

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Monitoring or not, but who's monitoring the powers that are (police, politicians, big fat CEOs etc.)?


Still a bit scary ...



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I used to be involved in the uk *legal* :thumb right: graffiti scene. There was a thing a while back where the police made loads of arrests, based on isdn's of users saying on graf forums that they've painted this train or that wall etc..

the amount of pics, paint, sketches and forum comments were enough to send a few good writers down.

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scary stuff but if you aint doin nothing wrong you got nothing to worry about!! anyway doesnt banker rhyme with w****r!! :D

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Serves him right for; A) having slopey shoulders, B) bragging about it on a forum and C) being a rich merchant banker bastard!


Ah. The perfect summary.


Yes, it brought a smile to my face this morning. Cocky, smug, overpaid wanker gets grin comprehensively wiped from face.


And let's not forget the almost even more amusing fact that it's unlikely he'll be getting any "action" from his girlfriend for a while...assuming she's still even seeing him :)

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