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Need to get a feel of peoples opinions on something!!


Walked out the flat this morning to find that some f-in retards had egged and floured my mates MK11 golf last night. Pretty sure it happened between 11.30pm and 12.30pm cos we both walked past the car at these times. Thing is my mate had to go to work so has been unable to wash egg off untill this arvo. Car was totally covered down one side and must have had at least six eggs thrown at it. The C was parked behind it but was fortunatley untouched. He's worried about damage to the paintwork from a) shells hitting at bad angle causing cracking b) paintwork in the sun.


We work in the bar right next to where it happened and the police have the whole area covered with CCTV, they are looking at the footage, but of the two officers my mate spoke too at the station; one said it was an offence and the other said it wasn't. Obviously they would only be involved properly if there is paintwork damage - though they really don't wanna go round boasting about it as my mate would probably drive a C if his 6,7"" frame would fit in it.


Anyone got any feelings on this - its obviously been egged from another car and google has provided me with some proof that eggs can cause real paintwork damage.

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okay edit wont work for some reason. Before any confusion develops, noticed car was egged at 12.30 but hadn't noticed it at 11.30, assesed how bad it was this morning before work

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aaaarrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhh, stuff like this makes me so angry, damn i hate people!!!!!!!!!

if it were me in that situation, after the feelings of murder had passed through my system i'd be in touch with a mobile valeter to clean it if i didn't have the time during the day, might cost a bit but better than it being left in the sun.


hope it gets sorted and the fleas of a million camels infest the genitles of the bottom feeding scum that did this

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i'm no lawyer but i'd think unless theres any actual damage the police cant really do much other than give the people that did it an ASBO, even if the egg could potentially cause damage.

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That's like saying it's ok to throw stones at people as long as none of them hit anyone. It's an act of vandalism pure and simple.

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Eggs a b1tch to get off, I had some trick or treaters hit my ZXR900, they hit the instruments and the rad, took forever to get off and left marks afterwards. I say get it off asap.

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That's like saying it's ok to throw stones at people as long as none of them hit anyone. It's an act of vandalism pure and simple.


i do agree with that.

nothing should be thrown at anything which COULD cause damage

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Man that's annoying, get it jet washed off as soon as possible perhaps. Unfortunately in terms of comeback, there's very little that can officially be done. I've got a similar problem with a certain Flat o' Chavs ™ round the corner from me that use my car for target practice when gobbing out of their windows. Nice.

Good luck with it,


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like i`ve said before....


kill em all,


doesnt matter if they`re guilty or not, just do it!!!!


there only gonna cause offence somewhere else!!!


(yes i agree we`ve all been stupid....etc, but these thick twats will never learn!)


they`re probably 20ish already..... dumb cunts!!!!

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Stab them in the brain, and explain to the police that there is no damage that was'nt already there?


My dads audi coupe (85 50k!) lovely lovely got one egg thrown on the bonnet and it sat there for one day in the hot sun. It damaged the paintwork permanently. Initially it looked like it had polished off etc, but you can see its damaged the lacquer from certain engles, really gutted mate. GET IT OFF AAAAAASAP!

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