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Unleaded in a 1.8 16v

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Just wanted to know what the story is with the 16v only running on leaded fuel?


i have a 1989 1.8 16v, and im told that this engine only takes leaded fuel, even the instruction manual advises this.


The cars in immaculate condition, and ive been running it on normal unleaded since ive had it(6 months) without any problems. It performs well, drives smoothly, doesnt pink , gives me good economy, etc.


Not sure if its had work done on it in the past for it to take unleaded.


I just wanted to know what everyones take on this issue is? I probably sound like a right amateur to you lot, but ive never had a straight answer about this one.


Am i doing damage by using unleaded? what should i really be using.



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It's true that when unleaded petrol appeared it was recommended that KR engined VWs stuck to the leaded equivalent, be it LRP or whatever. Some people had K-Star type devices fitted to remap the ignition and some didn't bother and just stuck unleaded in. I was one of the latter and never noticed a change in performance or anything else.


So, for me at least, using unleaded in an unmodified KR engine seems to work just fine.

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If fine as long as the engine doesn't pink. This is the issue behind it all.


You need to experiment with a bottom 1/4 tank full of unleaded. If it pinks, then fill up with super or LRP. (Mixing one tank of LRP & unleaded won't harm while you test) Some 16v OK, some bad and need either retiming (retarding) or K-Star fitted. Super unleaded ain't that much more these days, or least at Sainsbury's where I go it ain't so stuff the difference and run on 97RON super instead of 95RON. Best of Supers octane wise is Total (98 even 99 sometimes).


1.8ltr 16v's "KR" are 98RON designed. They will run on 95RON unleaded due to tolerances/wear. 98 to 95 does have a small power drop but for every day driving, it's small.


Valve seats on all watercooled VWs have been OK for unleaded since late 1970's.

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my 16v ran fine on unleaded (( i only use super tho ))


Yours was a 2.0 though, right? Don't they have electronic engine management with a knock sensor?

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I use shell optimax, about 98 ron, bit dearer than normal, but you know that your gettin the best( better than bp ultimate imo)

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Theres only 1 garage on the isle of wight that sell super unleaded! im runnin quite a bite of advance with a vsam aswell (which i have forsale i might add)

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Thanks for all the replies! Much appreciated.


Just wanna say how nice it is to know ive finally found somewhere i can get answers from people who know what they're talking about when it comes to corrados!

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Just wanna say how nice it is to know ive finally found somewhere i can get answers from people who know what they're talking about when it comes to corrados!


cool...wheres that then mate? :wink:

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Just wanna say how nice it is to know ive finally found somewhere i can get answers from people who know what they're talking about when it comes to corrados!


cool...wheres that then mate? :wink:

PMSL! :roll:

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My 89 doesnt pink using 95 ron unleaded


Lot of factors involved like a slightly worn engine which won't have as much compression due to bore wear, rings worn or valves not quite seating as well as they should do. Or the engine is out of adjustment for timing anyway.


That's why it's worth trying before any adjustments for ordinary 95RON unleaded. Every ones 16v will be slightly different, some quite happy on 95RON, some maybe except when overheating on the rad fan and some which wil pink at normal running temperature.


Doesn't your engine is poorly though!

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i got same car, same year, and unleaded seems to work magic :)

Mines the same colour as yours too!! I want rear lights like yours, are they Home made tints or did you buy them like that?

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