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Cracked Milltek Exhaust....AGAIN!!

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Last month I found a crack in my 8 month old Milltek exhaust system. The crack was were the strengthening plate meets the decat pipe - here


I contacted JMR where I bought the exhaust from, and John was very helpful! I was able to go down to Littlehampton the same day to pick up a new decat pipe in exchange for my cracked one.


Now! a month on, I'm under my car last night & I notice I have a hairline crack on the back box under where the tail pipe comes out!! (pictures to follow soon)


Hopefully JMR will be able to sort me another back box out under the life time warranty! But it's a real pain having to keep going down to Littlehampton from where I live (near Windsor) every time this happens! Especially as I have to pay a mate petrol to take me down there with my broken exhaust!


I'm yet to take this up with John as I haven't taken any pictures yet.


Has anyone else had these problems with a Milltek? Have I just had a bad system?


What's to say the centre box doesn't go next!! I should really have a look at that!

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Certainly not faulting John's service with regards these exhausts.. the man definately does a top job and seems to be very efficient sorting out these warranty issues.


But it sounds like Milltek's do have some serious quality issues! :|

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But it sounds like Milltek's do have some serious quality issues! :|


Careful Jim.... don't wanna be going upsetting the Milltek Apple cart now :wink:


I'm keeping out of it as everyone knows my feelings on Milltek, but I'm sure both JMR and Milltek will sort this swiftly and efficiently.

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Well I thought that as I posted, but i'm just going on the many things i've read on here! Sheesh.. its hardly like Stealth rush onto here to lambast people for them making opinions on BMC filters or Goodridge hoses (for example) now is it, simply because they sell them!


BTW.. thats not a rant at your or anything Kev.. it just came out sounding like one! Long day I guess! :|

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this is why i ended up going for a Longlife....id have prefered to go with a Bastuk....but theres a longlife centre about 5 mins from my house so if there was a problem i havent got far to go....

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Funny you should mention them Mr Wales because I had a look at my mate's Audi A4 system (2.4 V6) that Longlife recently did for him and the quality and fit are astounding :shock: Although as with Milltek and my circumstances, an extra box was required in order to get the mid-range boom down to acceptable levels but it's still noisy when hot....which is the problem with stainless, but Longlife's workmanship looked brilliant.

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Longlife all the way. Everyone knows the issue I had with Powerflow exhausts that just kept dissintegrating on my car, but the Longlife is fantastic quality. But as Kev said even with 3 boxes on mine it's still very loud!


And as an interesting one the centre section of pipe from the SS 4 Branch manifold to the first baffle box has turned BRIGHT Blue from the heat! How mad is that!


Sorry Dan we seem to be going :offtopic1:

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:cry: I got rid of my long life exhaust becasue I didn't like the look of it :brickwall:


Sold it to Bally!

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gotta mate with a g40 and another with a g60 who both went and got them selves a longlife after seeing the quality of mine...sounds just right too....and i got a courtisy car while they did it!....exellent. :D

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My Longlife went back twice as it didn't fit. Guess it depends on the franchise that you go to.

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Out of all the numerous sales i have made with regard to Milltek systems, in all this time i have only had two systems display faults with fracturing. In all i have seen warranty issues with only 4 of my customers all of which have been dealt with efficiently and respectfully to a satisfactory conclusion. It is human nature to dwell upon the negative, because we somehow find it to be more news worthy and sensational, but lets not loose sight of the bigger picture which shows, in my first hand experience, this product to have given hundreds of owners a very satisfactory result. I hear what you guys have to say in this thread and fully respect the need to discuss such matters freely but can we resist the temptation to condem, based upon on the strength of one persons experience. Clearly we are all going to have our individual allegences to particular products, the world would be a very boring place if we all chose to do the same. I do not profess Milltek to be the the only option, but it is one of the top brands and well respected worldwide for good reason.


DAN please do give me a call as i am the person with whom you need to discuss your problem. Indeed in the light of your concern i would like to offer you a replacement system inclusive of free fitting, i would hope that this will relieve not only your concerns for the life of your system but also the inconvenience of of your apparent travel costs. I look forward to hearing from you.

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I have certainly heard lots of good things about Longlife too, Milltek was the obvious choice for me based on the fact that they are good value, previous good experience and the fact that JMR who look after my cars is a distributor.


I have actually had a crack on one of my decat pipes which was slightly disappointing. JMR's quick and ever pleasant service definitely took the sting out of the problem encountered though. I don't think there are many companies that would have the problem fully resolved within 24 hours of it occuring


I'm just glad we're all toatally free to purchase the exhaust that appeals to each of us - certainly seems like there is lots of choice out there for all of us - just wish it was the same for other parts

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can we resist the temptation to condem, based upon on the strength of one persons experience.


I was waiting for that. Why is it that you are the only trader CF members deal with that comes on here to take issue with people's comments? Other companies that work in this trade, whom I speak to regularly, are well aware of what gets said on this and other forums, but they simply don't log on and start telling people to stop saying what they feel about their products and services. They are mature enough to deal with negative criticsm and view it constructively. For some reason you appear to be threatened by customers' honesty and their freedom to tell others.

I'm sorry John but people WILL say when they don't like something, whether you like it or not.

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:cry: I got rid of my long life exhaust becasue I didn't like the look of it :brickwall:


Sold it to Bally!


I love it....


Hope you get the pipe sorted dude....

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what i dont get, is that no-where on this thread is anything but praise writtern about JMR , regarding fitting AND aftersales service.... :? ...why is there a problem. :o

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Thankyou for your comment. If you read what i have said and not what you choose to interpret you will find that i am only too happy to accept freedom of speech. I was meerly expressing my freedom to do likewise, and suggest that one person's experience was not the cause for slighting the whole product. My comment was made to calm the situation and to reassure, Dan and others that this condition is not terminal and a simple conversation with me would bring about a resolution. I am not threatened at all by any persons comments in any way whatsover, moreover just concerned that all those with whom i have done business should get the best i can offer.

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I interpreted exactly what you meant thank you.


Dan, can you please deal with JMR directly and thanks for sharing your experience of your Milltek's failure....twice.



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