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girfriends x paint stripped my car all over

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What a total total total gimp. he sounds like the person that does not give two Sh1ts about the law either. It is a tough one, you first instinct must to be to go an kill him in nasty ways, but that is not going to help, you wil be as bad as he is. Get legal advise first and see where you stand. The chump may piss of is you are going to do him for criminal damage or harassment. if all else fails do as Nick said and post him some dog sh1t.


Good luck mate and i hope he stops at the car.

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Then shag his mom and kill his dog!


make sure you get that the right way around


Although it would have more effect if you got it the wrong way round!

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send him a wedding invite :lol:


PMSL :lol:


Seriouisly though that is bad news. A mans car is as sacred as his lady - I'm gutted for you and I know that if that happened to me I'd deal with it outside of the law! ... however if he's already trashed her car, been to court and now started on yours then I'd say that the police is really the only way forwards - for a start you want a restraining order put on him and then have him back in court for both your golf and your Mrs co' car! He's obviously a messed up f**ker and a kicking will only antagonise him further (even if it does give you satisfaction)


Best of luck getting this sorted

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does he still live with his parents? You could always go and make freinds with them. would be nice to see his face when you're sat on his sofa have tea and biscuits with his mum. [and shagging the dog] you could calmly ask him to explain what hes done over dinner!.. and you could sneakly disconnect the CCTV.


Also, whats this websites address? i've no hacking skills, but would be interested in seeing if we can get further ideas from it. - i.e. a computer club meet, where we meet him and smack him and his computer with a club?

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Ive got a spare horses head here, if you wanna post it to him.


lol, I can get some cow's heads from work, we have a freezer full !

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PMSL @ all the various suggestions as to what do about this guy. they all sound like great ideas. The computer club one and full fat milk one had me in stitches tho.


Seriously tho... The guy can not be allowed to get away with it, no matter how you deal with it. A hiding is a great idea but really, you dont want him to recover and then come back 6 months later only to do it again. I think i would try and get him to own up, and get the thing sorted and paid for so it hits him in his wallet.


Sabbotaging his website also sounds like a great idea, as does beating the crap out of him, like in Goodfellas.


Whatever you do, do not let him get away with it. You know its him, he knows its him.

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If you fancy some witnesses to the aforementioned vandalism then I'm sure there are a few thousand people on here who might have witnessed something that night! :wink:

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Take him to the bar that Jodie Foster went to in "The Accused" and let him play the pinball.


Seriously though mate, get the cops involved. If they want nothing to do with it, then just sort him out the old way!


What a w@nker

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Just get the serious crime squad onto him and his computer antics,

cops love busting doors down at dawn and dont need to look with crimestoppers helping :-)

just need to be imaginative with what or could be on his computer :-D

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:iamwithstupid: THIS ^^^^


Either that, or go around and confront him calmly, collectedly and soberly, with witnesses and tell him that he was seen doing it by a neighbour who can identify him and if he doesn't want you to press charges, then he'll be paying for the repairs and staying WELL away from the both of you in future...


If he swings for you, beat the utter hell out of him as your witnesses will all be able to truthfully say it was self defence.

If he pays up, cool, you get your car repaired, and he'll probably stay away after being made look stupid.

If he just tells you to get lost, calmly say, "OK, that's your decision" and walk off knowing that he's now going to be bricking it waiting for a knock on his door for quite some time...


Just don't retalliate as it WILL escalate or at least come back to bite you in the ass... Staying on the right side of the law still allows you some comeback, will show you up well to your girlfriend (and other friends) and can have a much longer lasting effect than just handing out a simple beating in an alleyway... ;) 8)


Good luck!

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Absolutely, don't sink to his level. Calm down and be rational. Perhaps even tape the conversation with a dictaphone when you go to his house and ask him calmly to own up and pay up. You've seen what he's capable of, he'll do things that you would never dream of doing. If he tells you where to go then get the police involved.

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i agree with these guys! take it calmly and go round with a false witness!! it always works!!


he wil def jus cry and give u some money to repair the car!! cause if he has already been charged then he wil go down for it!


then if he does have a go then walk away! dont retalliate!! find another way of getting him back!

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the official routes of retaliation would more likely have longer lasting effects too, if what atif says is right and he gets a criminal record for what hes done its going to be with him for the rest of his life affecting work, credit ratings, insurance and a whole host of other things. much more satisfying doing it that way IMO.

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The problem you have now is that any, er, vigilante action you take in retaliation has been openly discussed on a publicly viewable forum. Not going through official channels could land you in serious doo-doo yourself.


Have you attempted to clean the car since it happened? If not, dont.


One of the guys on no-rice had the cops round dusting for fingerprints in short order after his car was trashed by some chavs in Havant.

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dead of night cut his rear brake lines

Walk downstream with the fluid

Light fluid when far enough away from house to be caught on camera


walk away



alternatively - go around his house and make him admit to it.


Then let the court deal with it - twice offender and all that

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Then shag his mom and kill his dog!


make sure you get that the right way around



Although it would have more effect if you got it the wrong way round!


My god, i found myself laughing outloud F@ck that was funny lads! major giggles! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Is he a big bad bloke?

This has a bearing on the ensuing events!

Many options but it dependus upon what you are yourself, tell the police and confront him and get him to repair it and offer serious threats if not else kick his head in then shag the dog and kill his mam!



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I cant beleive that we still live in a world where pricks like that still get away with this s**t.


Tell me where he lives i'll go round and make him wish he'd died as a child!

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does anyone know of people who can trash web sites if required. he`s got his own site with 4000 users or something. thats his pride and joy. all he does is play internet geek. hense why girlfriend left him...... if that was messed over that would hurt him more than any punch


You have PM

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This could get interesting!


I want to be in the info here and see what goes on, give us the website and inc me in pm's as to what's going on LOL he deserves it all!




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just think about this.....what if he is reading this thread??? if he is then he will be a step ahead, if not then do what you think is best...i have a friend locked up due to beating the daylight shit out of some guy who deserved even more...now he is down for 20months and he regrets it now in the long run.... best thing to do is track him down, find out what he does, who his friends are etc and then get a girl to chat up his one of his mate and see what they can find out for you....then once its confirmed its him then go to police and say you suspect him and bring up the last case on him too....also say that nothing like this has ever happened to you in the past and that he threaten to do it as well at such and such place/time.....don't delay things if you are going along the side of the law.....if not then you know what to do :)

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So come on whats the web address??? lets see what we can do


I do like the idea of shaggin his mom though, any pics of her???? someone else can have the dog though

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