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Claret Badger


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Anybody use these guys?


65p for 100 RON sounds alright


beats Tesco's 94 p for 100 RON


Do they deliver it in a jiffy bag?


http://www.petroldirect.com/order.htm?A ... ket+%3E%3E


I can't believe how cheap they are - I ordered thirty litres of super unleaded and it was there, next day, left on my doorstep in 2 litre plastic bottles.




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i get mine with my milk, 2 pints of semi-skimmed and a barrel of super unleaded every other day thanks to my local milkman. its a bit of a bummer when the bluetits get at the tops though.

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your wasting your money on milk when you can get petrol that cheap!!!! I've been putitng it on my cornflakes and flaming them - they come out a bit crispy tho ;)

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Ultra Low Cost Value Unleaded (50 RON)


That'd give the knock sensor a panic attack!!

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No no... I knew the site was a gag (hence my pointing out the 50RON) - I was confused by Claret Badgers 'keepnet' comment!

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No no... I knew the site was a gag (hence my pointing out the 50RON) - I was confused by Claret Badgers 'keepnet' comment!



thought you had bitten


it's a good gag though

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Anyone want to send me some petrol? My car is stranded at home with just about enough fuel to get to my local petrol station which hasn't got any fuel at the moment, so I've had to come to work on the train 'cos of all the muppets panic buying.... :roll:


Trust me to normally fill up on a Monday night and to having to leave work late last night... :roll: Still, at least I got to doze on the train safe in the knowledge I wasn't gonna crash! :lol:


I drove past 11 petrol stations on the way home last night, only one of them had any fuel left, and there was a 2/3mile long queue ouside it waiting to fuel up! :crazyeyes: Madness... :roll: It's been on the local news that there were at least 2 fights at local stations due to people alledgedly queue jumping... :roll: WTF is going on in this country?!?

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from what i hear on the news theres no plans to blockade any of the depots, so all this panic buying is pointless even IF the protests go ahead.



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I'm just letting people get on with it - the local place is selling normal unleaded for £1.04 a litre and people are queuing for it. Which is fine with me cos I've got half a tank in the 'rado, a full tank in the Golf and half a tank of rather old (probably 50RON) sitting in my back garden.

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ooh, hadn't thought of that Dinkus...


I've got:

1/2 a tank of optimax that's been sat for 11months in J-DUB

1/4 a tank of shell 95 ron that's been sat for 18 months in my MKII Golf

and 1/4 a tank of unleaded in my MKI 16V that's been sat for over 7 years


Wonder how well my 1940cc G60 will run on that little lot?!? :cuckoo: :lol:

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petrol heads?? better think of a new name :-)


i've got about £3 worth in my lawn mower so i'm good for about 17 miles :oops:

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