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Is It Only Me Who Indicates Properly?

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i mean seriously its getting annoying now,i indicate everywhere and properly,whether the road is empty or not..i have given examples what has happended to me recently:

1 one: well some toss post indicated early on a roundabout on a dual carriage way, and i almost went into him.


2: speaks for itself really


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There are some real idiot drivers on the road these days, they use to travel in buses.


No you are not alone. Just the way the roads have gone these days with people & cheapness of cars. ie the car is a throwaway it with some wildlife. It became noticeable to me about the mid 1990's onwards when things like bus deregulation came in and services got poor forcing more to use cars.


You have to learn to anitcipate and give room and never trust until the other driver has definetely committed. Better safe than sorree. I share your frustration. It's nearly every day now. Patience grasshopper, a few seconds more and you will still get to where you wish to be.


I just wonder what orbit they are in sometimes. They are in charge of a 1 ton lump of metal and it does do damage, even at slow speed.


THe driving test of some re-sit form should be compulsory for all us every 5 to 10 years. And deisgned to catch bad habits. That would weed them off the roads. Maybe the price of fuel will help soon.


Rant over.




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I drive around stoke on trent all day for a living and its so annoying (and sometimes dangerous) when people dont use their indicators properly.

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My favourite is people that approach a dual lane roundabout on the inside lane, and without even looking just cut straight across the roundabout into the outer lane, then exiting they rejoin the inner lane! :?

This is why I will never drive alongside people on roundabouts, for some reason a lot of drivers don't seem to know what the markings on the road are.

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grrrrrrrr lane discipline on roundabouts !!! the twelve o clock rule should be taught in school !! people have no idea where they should be and how many indicate to leave the roundabout when thy have left it !!

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Yup I hate this one with a passion as well.


I do tend to make a habit of coming up the inside of people on two lane roundabouts and giving a quick toot on the horn when they start to drift towards me. I consider it a reminder of how the bloody things are supposed to work for idiot in the other car. (Only do it in the 'rocco though never the C)


Another great one is incorrect indication at roundabouts, look at the large reflective sign before you get there and it will tell you want lane you should be in and as such when to indicate and in what direction!


Passing a driving test is seen as a necessary evil for some people not gaining a skill which you practise and improve upon..

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2: speaks for itself really



I experienced exactly this on Monday night when pulling out of a petrol station exit in Sutton. W**ker indicated right, sat to the right of me, then pulls out left across my path! :x


In general, I'm continually gobsmacked by the lack of indication, particularly when overtaking on dual carriageways and motorways. Does nobody think it's ever necessary to indicate when pulling back into a lane after overtaking any more? I almost ran into a BMW (surprise!) a week or two ago who hadn't bothered indicating his change from the outside lane to the middle when I was indicating to overtake from the inside. Saw him in my mirrors in the outside lane and it was only my blind-spot check that saved me from pulling out right into the side of his car.

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yeah agree roundabout discipline is a big problem here too, particularly


people approaching in the right turn lane and going straight on. the worse


thing is when you beep them they look at you like you've two heads. the


amount of people driving around oblivious to the near accidents they cause is


scary. a new craze now is indicating right when going straight on,



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Hate to point something out, but if you make a maneuover doing your driving test which relies on another driver doing as they are indicating (and not yet done), you will fail!


Example: turning left out of a junction, when coming from the right the person is indicating left to enter the road you are just leaving.


Always remember being told that by my instructor, and yes I may spend a little longer getting out of some junctions if its not obvious they are going to take the turning, etc, but not been in a car crash yet...


However, cutting directly accross you is of course completely wrong...

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