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trig's 94 OBD2 VR6 - New Wheels!!!! (...finally)

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ah erm no you have the new ones - my bad :oops:


Smooth - it really does work and tastes nice too ;)

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Yeah, the Autoglym Bumper gel is the stuff for your plastics, a economic smidge works wonders!


The car next to you looks like a blue Pug 106

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This is obviously harder than I thought it would be! :)


Not a pug. Chris was right with the Jap theme... It is blue.


Not a sporty car.. oh no.

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Haha don't worry, I always polish mine on weekends when I aint even using it!


I'm ruddy obsessed because the paint comes out so lovely.

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Walesy, close, think slightly bigger i.e. old men, dodgy hip. ;)


16v aye, they come up pretty shiny eh?

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Suzuki Balerno or however you spell it?

P.S, car looks awesome trig


P.P.S. Looks like you could be doing with a new rear number plate though ;)

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Not a Balerno or however you spell it.


Thanks biggrim, Yeh number plate is knackered, time to get a new one definately!


No more clues, the answer is...








Suzuki Wagon R !!!




Thought they were pretty common, they are round here. All the old folks use them because you don't have to bend to get in them!

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I had a wee drive in trigs car yesterday and it drove like a 'bag au shitte' , it was tappety and the chains were rattling, and the ride was awfull.


This car needs alot of work IMO



























...only joshing. It drove really well I reckon, the engine purred like a happy cat, handled very nicely ,and bar the small problem that he's planning on spending god knows how much on fixing ( :wink: ) it felt like a new car, reminded me of my old 8v but with alot more power :lol:

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Ah ya bugger!


Glad you enjoyed the drive, was nice to have a second opinion from someone who knows their rados. I'll let you have another go once i've got the OBD2 up and running... :)

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Update on my cars OBD2 job...


As most people are aware my car wasn't ready on Sunday after being at Stealth a week mainly due to engine loom problems. Gutted I didn't get to roll etc. but nevermind. :)


Vince phoned me on Monday with more bad news, he'd fitted everything but the loom was shorting somewhere (the metal ECU case was live!) and so he had to find the source of the short which could take ages... great. :(


Today though I got another phonecall from Stealth and the car is all done!! Hooray :D


Not sure when i'm going to pick her up yet because i'll have to get another train up there etc. but i'll report back as to how the car drives afterwards. Very excited! :D


A picture of what she looked like on Sunday - strategically placed to watch everyone elses car drive into the workshop and have their moment!

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Ah that's good news. Maybe me/Yan/Bas can fetch her down here so you won't have so far to go, tee hee.

And we can rag the a**e off her for a few days to check her out for you :twisted:

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Nice one! Getting it on the rr to she what she can do? Also only just remembered today about the manifold, sorry about that :oops: . Pop me a pm if your still selling it.

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Well done trigger, Cheers for the pm. Let me know how it drives and if you think it was worth it, and i'll make the decision if i will get it done. Done a bit of research and with what i have read it sound like a good thing to do.

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2cc, :lol: Thanks for the offer mate!


steve @, think i'll save the RR until the next CF one, i'll let you know about the manifold once i've got it home...

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