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trig's 94 OBD2 VR6 - New Wheels!!!! (...finally)

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Good guide, look forwards to reading the painting section. They look far better! 8)


One question, what colour do the indicators light up once you've sprayed them? Redy-orange?

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Trig, I have just had a major flashback! Is yours the rado that was parked on the side of the road just down from the Barrowfield Hotel(cant remenber the road name!) for sale? If so I drove past 3 times and stopped to take the phone number coz I thought it was that nice!!!


Hi Glad you liked the vr6 just off Barrowfield this now belongs to me I also drove past numerous times and then one mad day hubby just bought it for me.

Lovely car I intend to keep it as original as pos.

Pic on the way when we get some nice cornish weather.

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There's a woman on here from Newquay with a luuurvly green Vr6 with black leather, It might be hers veedub-g60,


Yes indeed Walesy it was mine and as u say it is a luuurvly VR6 Im glad we agree.

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Thanks for the comments guys muchos appreciated!


kebabman/L4PRG, I haven't lit them up yet so i'm still waiting to see what colour they come out! It says on the can they should stay the original colour but i'm dubious. If the indicators come out red i'll have a go at some green bulbs apparently that makes them flash orange...


vincent vr6, my girlfriend has a picture on her phone of your car parked in the same place as in your avatar! She stopped to take the pic because she thought the car was so similar to mine! I think it had a for sale sign on at the time. I'll get the pictue on the computer when I can work out how!


Small world!

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Ok cheers

i was bought the car back in Sept and have loved it ever since.

im not far from you about 9 miles.

Wat is it with the speed humps in Wadebridge......GRRRRR

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The picture was taken around September time, it's like your avatar one only sideways on.


Humps in Wadebridge are seriously annoying, I usually take the long way round and go over the bypass to avoid them!

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It's arived.


All my OBD2 stuff turned up today (thanks bigpants baby!), the Throttle body is thanks to Micha (GermanCustoms). It's all rather overwhelming as the engine loom is huge and I haven't got a clue what half of it does! Anyway, here it all is - EVERYTHING cost me £220...


On the right you can see the ECU, MAF & Lambda. Up the top you can see the Inlet Manifold.

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:) Believe it or not she was cooking my dinner for me as I made all that mess!


Little bit worried about the random wire & plug at the bottom of picture 2... :shock:

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I think it will be worth it. It's either this or buy a new ECU which is almost the same amount of money! Whether I get any performance gains is another thing...

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trig your good inspiration mate . i hope one day to be upto standard. i also fully understand the job situation. theres nothing worse than not bein in work and havin the dosh to work on your pride and joy :cry:

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I was thinking that £500 for the conversion sounded like a lot until I saw those pictures. There looks like more than a day's work to me, so if Stealth can do it in one day that's damn good going.

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cvw, thanks! Glad I can be an inspiration this early on in my Corado ownership! I've got a job now as well by the way, bit of money coming in so the C is back on the road in a week! :mrgreen:


bcstudent, Vince told me it'll be about 12/13 hours labour so it's a bit more than a day really, he's having the car for the week leading up to the April RR day. I wouldn't have a clue where to start with all those wires!

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Looks interesting there Blue! whats the story? I have oviously missed this ODB1/2 thing. I take it is an upgrade for 12v VR6's, but what are the advantages? Power hikes?




K-rado :D

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Even 12 hours isn't bad going. I just couldn't bring myself to pay someone £40 per hour to do anything on my car.


Yes we're well aware of that....


Trigger, nice one mate. Don't worry about that stray wire, it's not important. You won't need the fuse box, 4 or 5 plugs are redundant and so is a good proportion of the loom.


You've got the important stuff - ECU, transponder setup and loom, all harnesses, MAF, lambda, manny, throttle.... what would be handy is the MK3 Highline rear bracket that holds the Lambda and knock sensor as the Corrado one is too small to house them both. The OBD2 lamba is 6 wire so the plug is huge.


You're in for a treat.... it'll run a lot smoother, have better bottom end and never, ever stall again ;-) Just wait until you get into the data logging fun with VAG-COM :-)


The reason it's a chew on of a job is because the brake servo has to come out, meaning a brake bleed and so on afterwards. And the bulkhead grommet hole needs attention as the OBD2 loom is a lot thicker than the OBD1 loom.....and bits of the Golf loom are shorter and longer, and vice versa, than the Rado loom. Wiring is always the most time consuming part of a conversion to do it neatly and properly.


£500 imo was good value for it to be taken care of for me, rather than swearing and cursing all week trying to figure out what wire goes where and brakes.....urrrghh....I hate brakes.....never touch em where bleeding is concerned.

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K-rado, see kev's post!


kevHaywire, you've got me really looking forward to it now! Still got to wait a month but it'll definately be worth it. I wouldn't know where to start doing a job like this, but it'll be in safe hands as Vince has already done yours so he knows what he's in for. Thanks for all your help mate :)


double-6s, cheers dude, I think it goes well, will look even better with some big red calipers... ;)

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cars looking good mate shall see it a RR day. thinking of doing my rear lights all red and getting rid of wiper. now ive moved i will start my modding journey


nice one

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