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Whos had their C the longest then ??

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I'm bored !! Only had mine since May 2004, how long have you had yours ?? Anyone had one since new ??


1 Radostormvr6 Since new! 10 years 5 months


2 Davidwort 9 years 8 months

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RW1, 9 Years is gonna take some beating !! Have you ever been tempted to sell/have a change ??


Oh it can be beaten. No!


It's the not the longest serving member of the fleet. That one is just coming upto 12 years (145,000 miles) but it ain't a C.

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ive had mine for 4years and 2 months...................longest ive ever kept a car too :wink:


pretty sure Guy Hartley's owned his Storm from new tho 8)

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Im not going to win, had mine for just over a year now.


Feb '96


so that's umm.. 9 yrs 8months ?




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Lol, only 6k


90% of that to Dundee and back to see my auld mither Dr F!

Great run - really enjoy there and back.


You gotta let me know next time you planning on coming back to Dundee, we should meet up, will be fun.

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I got my VR on the 21/01/1998 and I was only 20. so I did quite well concidering, and got it featured in PVW the same year, and supercharged the year after!


I got to be up there with the best of um!

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I've had 3 C's, the first for a year back in 96, the second for 3 ish years from 99 to 02 ish and the current one for the last 1.5 years. Who's had the most?

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pretty sure Guy Hartley's owned his Storm from new tho


I don't think he did actually (might be wrong tho..)


I believe it was near enough new.. think it was a dealer demo car, but I don't think it was any more than 6 months to a year old when he got it.

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Bought mine Feb 97 so that makes me 8 years 8 months.


Only another 1k and a bit and I've put 100k on her.

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