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Speeding Ticket

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Hello, not been on here for a while, but I had to share the depression, and also that I was quite lucky.


Got caught speeding today! 90mph in a 60mph limit! Depression, done by a Police bike.... you would think that I would have seen a florescent bike behind me for 1/4 mile, hilst I sat there at 90mph having just overtaken 3 cars! I must be blind!! Anyway, he let me off with just £60 fine and 3 points, although he had me on VAS at 90mph for 1/4 mile, and a bit over that at one point. He used his discretion as I have no previous point in 11 years of driving, and I think he liked the Corrado! :) Fair does I think my faith has returned a bit, cos he was actually quite a nice fair Policeman. He got me fair and square, but was leanient.


Oh well not too bad considering!

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Goddam you are very lucky indeed mate

I know I would have my lisence taken away if i did that!!!

90 in a 60? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


He MUSTVE ben ona good day

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I was followed the other day by one of those ba$stards in an unmarked vectra with video camera :lcop: Feking knew it looked dodgy too, clocked me at 68 in a 50 and 91 in a 70, let me off the 91 and gimme £60 and 3 point for the other :(

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hmm he let you off with a £60 and three points, hmmm me wonders if the VAS was operated correctly.

He had me at 90 on the VAS, but said that if it is not acurrate when it gets checked that evening and it is inaccurate he would rip the ticket up!

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Suppose you wait and see now. But i presume he gave a ticket there and then? Next step is to send off your license? Hope it doesnt affect insurance too much 4 u


I presume it was a quiet country road and you overtook in safe areas, hence leniance.


I understand there are many loopholes in all this malarky too; but many you cant use. For instance is it not true they have to do a vehicle inspection of thier bike/car everyday, and if they miss it you cannot be done - but what fuzz is going to own up to that?!!

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Jesus, so you would normally loose your license for that kind of speed then ? (I haven't driven a UK registered car in the UK for over 8 years)


We don't have a points system over here and the fine is based on your speed. If you are caught doing more than 50 kph over the limit in a built up area (or more than double the limit) they can take your license, but I've not known anyone to loose one since I've lived here.


My last ticket was for 158 kph in a 100 zone and I got a 212 euro fine. If I get caught doing the same tomorrow, another 212 euro fine and so on!




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Jesus, so you would normally loose your license for that kind of speed then ? (I haven't driven a UK registered car in the UK for over 8 years)


We don't have a points system over here and the fine is based on your speed. If you are caught doing more than 50 kph over the limit in a built up area (or more than double the limit) they can take your license, but I've not known anyone to loose one since I've lived here.


My last ticket was for 158 kph in a 100 zone and I got a 212 euro fine. If I get caught doing the same tomorrow, another 212 euro fine and so on!





That aint gonna slow a rich man down tho is it!


I think you can lose your license here for doing more than 30mph over the limit, could be wrong tho!

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I think it's if you're doing double the limit you loose your licence?


EDIT-- or over 100mph..automatic ban..

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bix i think is pretty close.................i know up here in jockland...if you were caught doing 100mph(in a 70) as opposed to say 95mph(in a 70)............you would deffo be banned

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Ha, and car boys are less fortunate too. Lets say that doing 90 on the bike has been known to be a simple telling off and mind how you go. Thats why cameras stink, it takes no consideration for conditions!

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I normally sit at about 160ish kp/h when driving on UK motorways (and Dutch ones come to think of it). So what would plod do if I was caught then (i have a Dutch license btw)?


In the 8 years I've driven on UK roads with a Dutch registration and license I have NEVER had a speeding/parking ticket - and I ALWAYS ignore camera's/yellow lines/parking restrictions etc.??


I know that is going to change soon but at the moment I guess they can't take my license regardless of what speed I'm doing?


Just interested as I'm in the UK again in a couple of weeks...


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..and your right, expensive cars fly about without a care in the world as the owners don't give a toss about a couple of hundred euro fine.


I must admit it doesn't deter me in the slightest either as the chances of getting caught everytime you speed are very very slim, so the odd ticket every month is acceptable and I know I won't loose my license if I'm unlucky.



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I worked with a couple of Dutch contractors instaling a Dutch lift in manchester, and one of them told me it was his first time back in the UK for 5 years. When he got to customs they made him pay a £350 fine before he could enter the country, this was due to a traffic related offence he did the last time he was here. His boss ended up paying it over the phone via credit card just so it didn't put the job back but told him it would be coming out of his wages.


He wasn't a very happy chap. His english wasn't too good but his sware words were clear as day :lol:

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Thats a new one to me.

a lot of euro truckers come over here and get away with allsorts and the Uk truckers are probably the most over regulated industry in the uk.

all these rules are supposed to be Euro wide and yet each country oversees them in differantly vast ways.



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Not disputing it's true mate, just scares me knowing my driving history over the last 8 years when in the UK. I dread to think how much they'd demand from me if they were to do the same!!


Ah f*ck it, if they were gonna get me they'd have done it by now!!



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I know that is going to change soon but at the moment I guess they can't take my license regardless of what speed I'm doing?


Just interested as I'm in the UK again in a couple of weeks...



Watch it in France


http://www.carsource.co.uk/latest-news- ... id=3011153


For the time being, foreign licences will be returned when the holder leaves the country, following international practice, but French driving bans may also be enforced across the European Union under a 1998 convention on the mutual recognition of licence suspension that has yet to be ratified.


From my reading of that, it's likely a ban in one EU country will result in a ban in all of them within the foreseeable future.

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I think it's if you're doing double the limit you loose your licence?


EDIT-- or over 100mph..automatic ban..


Unless you're a cop, royalty, an aristo, government minister, judge, mason etc. :pirate:


"Some animals are more equal than others" George Orwell, Animal Farm

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IIRC you can get away with over a ton in court if you can prove that you need your car to maintain your living; the same applies to other over the limit offences.


The problem with that is that it is down to the magistrate on the day.

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