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boost question

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Okay, I was just doing a couple of runs down my local c-roads, and I got a boost reading of close to 1.5 (probably 1.45 or so) bar. At about 6900rpm. Is is usually this high?


Gotta admit I got a couple of underbonnet tweaks (65mm pulley, chip, cotton air filter), but nothing major. I recon'd I would get about 0.8-1.2 bar with this setup. Is my gauge fcuk'd or am I doing good with my g60?


I made my personal best, 160 km/h, today, racing a couple of friends in an abandoned tunnel. Scary as fcuk, on snow tires and all, but it was a real thrill.

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1.5 bar is very good mate. I'm pushing 1.25 in the inlet. Did you take the reading from the t/b or inlet?

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If reading from the tb it will appear higher. You wanna know whats going into the inlet.

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I have no idea where it reads from, actually. I just have a nice lil' gauge sitting in my dash, telling me the info I need :) I don't have a re-route kit.

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Thing is that boost pressure is just backed up flow that cant get into the cylinders.


Now get that head and manifolds ported out and get that psi right down and then your talking!

Thats where my next line of attack is.

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i was running a 63mm pully on ported and polished charger with isv re-router and was running 17psi then put a piper 268 cam and only getting 12psi, this confused me and when i questioned my supplier its cos the head is breatheing easier so no boost backing up to give high readings, now im 190 bhp which is not bad i recon .

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