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anyone running nos on their G60?

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just wondering really, whats it like?


toying with the idea, i like gadgets u see :rofl: :silly:

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need more dosh!! :turn-l:


need more toys!! :!:


anybody running any stuff on their cars that would keep me amused?

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by the way.... im really bored at work pmsl 8)


Really, :roll: we wouldn't have guessed! :lol:


Actually, I'm considering the NOS route along with my engine rebuild so I'd be interested to see which kits people have fitted to G60s and how reliable/fun they are! :lol:

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too much time on my hands today!! ive spent about a years salary in my head on my C!!


never been in a car running Nos. do you know, does it kick like a turbo or is it more refined and just gives good acceleration?

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does it kick like a turbo or is it more refined and just gives good acceleration?


Depends on the system... There's a progressive way of doing it which is the expensive one and just adds to the power smoothly all the way through similar to the supercharger, or there's a staged system. The Staged system has a button which you press when you're at full throttle which fires the NOS giving a real kick of acceleration... Great for the thrill factor, but not too great for gearboxes and clutches! :roll: :?


I'd want a progressive system if I get one just so I can waste the occasional Porsche 911 on the way home for a giggle! :lol: 8)

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The only person i know with NOS is Bilal

dont no where he is these days though


Must be good stuff then!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:lol: LOL

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sam from SNS in the states ran it for a while and loved it. he got a kit cheap from a poor honduh riceboy i think.....and now i think he's looking to sell it off to someone else.

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Im running A Wizard of Nos kit on myne which are good kits.

75bhp shot of nos gives one hell of a kick and its quite smooth anymore and as Henny said"but not too great for gearboxes and clutches!"

Then a progressive controller is needed so you can start to go up to 150 shot !!


But this is on my VR6 not a G60 so dont know how they will fair with it ....



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I've always been told that its best to go for the most well known / expensive system you can.. don't get the system fitted by cowboys as you'll just end up with a blown engine!


Though I guess thats just common sense I spose.

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LOL.... NOS is eveil, eveil stuff!! It is not proper power and should be left for the little DTM boys in their 1.1's. Seriously though, NOS works by cooling the charge creating a condenced mass of cold air to give you some nice combustion, sounds good, but the side effects are a massive and tempreture change in a split second. Your inlet manifold, head, valves etc are seeing a tempreture swing from 60'c odd down to -150'c in a split second. It is not a uniform tempreture change where the whole engine cools at the same rate, only sections of it, hence cracked heads etc. It is a little like taking a pint glass out of a bowl filled with boiling water and dropping it into a bowl of chilled water, watch it crack.

Save ya money and spend it on wholesome engine mods.

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LOL.... NOS is eveil, eveil stuff!! It is not proper power and should be left for the little DTM boys in their 1.1's. Seriously though, NOS works by cooling the charge creating a condenced mass of cold air to give you some nice combustion, sounds good, but the side effects are a massive and tempreture change in a split second. Your inlet manifold, head, valves etc are seeing a tempreture swing from 60'c odd down to -150'c in a split second. It is not a uniform tempreture change where the whole engine cools at the same rate, only sections of it, hence cracked heads etc. It is a little like taking a pint glass out of a bowl filled with boiling water and dropping it into a bowl of chilled water, watch it crack.

Save ya money and spend it on wholesome engine mods.

I've seen Nos run on cars for years with no side affects,I've yet to see one with a cracked head,melting pistons more like when not set up right.

As for proper power !!

Best Bang for pound,run stock VR6 for everyday use and with a flick of a switch its a monster!!

I've ran my system for a year now with 138000 miles on it!!

Chrisvr6-n.o.s has got 150000 miles on his clock and has been running his for a lot longer than mine


Have a look at Wizard of Nos Site see what folks say about it



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I'll second that!

I have had my nitrous kit on my VR6 for a couple of years now with no problems and my C has a little over 150,000miles on the clock, have you read my thread about my C doing 165mph?

The previous statements could be true but ONLY if the system has NOT been fitted or set-up properly! I am testement to that and so are the people that I have supplied or fitted kits for, and if nitrous oxide was that unreliable no company could stay in business by selling the kits!

There are a lot of missconceptions about nitrous but the Wizard of Nos site explains a lot of them!

By the way, the power in no measure is derived from the nitrous oxide it's self!

The power is produced from the extra fuel that is injected i at the same time from another solenoid, the nitrous oxide splits on combustion into nitrogen and oxygen, the prior serves to densify the existing volume of air in the cylinder and the later is purely an oxygen supply to burn the extra fuel efficiently with a stoichiometric A/F ratio of between 12 and 14:1.

If you don't know what i am talking about then you shouldn't fit nitrous to your car yourself and go swapping jets willy-nilly and hope it'll work and be ok and give you lots of power!

CorradoVR6-n.o.s is right in what he said and knows what he is talking about.

There are a lot of people that know about these things but an awfull lot more that don't, that's what makes forums so great as there will always be someone with more info or experience on hand to offer info or a solution!

My two-penneth worth.




Cheers Chris

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View taken in and digested. I suppose i'm quite old skool in my tuning ideas. VR engine's are quite robust units. What is the drivability of the car like with the NOS switch on around a track? Is the power progresive with the throttle or just a suddern burst?

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It's not as mad as people think, if you have ever been on a two stroke motorbike and hit the power band, it's quite like that depending on how big a jets you're using!

Through the revs it's smooth right up to the red line with no flat spots.

The advantage is that the engine acts & runs as standard when off gas.

I've never been on a track with it, just been a bit naughty on the road! no harm done.




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nice one fellas! 8)


i wouldnt fit it myself if i did go down that road anyway - allways best to leave it to the pros imho, or things do go bang!!


have to try and get a ride in a nos fitted car first though, but methinks im gonna like it! 8)


thanks for advice

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I'm sure I read somwhere that some lads got arrested for stealing NOS from a hospital to feed there need for speed.

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Hi guys, i'm still here just busy sorting things out, making a BIG move to Newcastle!!!


Nitrous is fun, I use 35bhp wet shot. I only use it after 4k rpm and not all the way to the limit since the 8v fuel pump gets a bit stressed. If you dont wanna squirt it into the engine you can use a kit with CO2 in the tank (cheap) to super cool the intercooler.


PS. Whats Newcastle like?

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NEWCASTLE :shocked!: Dude, thats a trek!! - but hey, you WILL have fun! superb nightlife and people!! ive got relatives in gateshead and go up whenever i can, i love it!!


- but thats scuppered my plans for a quick visit to eastham for my sns, fpr and setup!! nevermind, should have got my wallet out a bit quicker eh :rofl:


when u leavin?

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