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having some major issues atm has on the way back from ultimate dub show i got a big chip on the bonnet and it seems t have "ripped" the paint off... anyone know the best way to touch this up...


i did touch it up today and wet sanded it and then compunded, G10, polish, wax, etc, etc but it came out $h1t and took the touch up off as it was way to soft!!!! its quite deep gone through to the metal!!!! any advice would be appreciated..


i need this sorted asap, the chip is not big abt 1cm long MAX but its bang in the middle of the bonnet so it will stand out like a sore thumb..


i dont have the use of a PC or any buffer,,, but if its the only way i could call in a favour...

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I found a great link when I was at work a few months back mate on a great way to fill in / touch up individual scuffs and scratches. Looked a little time consuming but the guy doing the write up seemed like a real guru and the repair looked flawless.


I'll try remeber to post it up tomorrow morning!

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nice one mate i need to sort it tomorrow.... i dont mind spending time doing it just has to be done perfect

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rather DIY it mate,,, got enough stuff here to do it just need the technique sorted... will take it to the bodyshop in the afternoon for a quick fix if i cant get it sorted, dont really want it to be painted AGAIN :mad:

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im guessing that if you want to sand touch up paint its gonna need a while to cure just like any paint. is it not 2 weeks before you use compound?

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Black marker pen ? :wink:


its most likely following you that caused this,,, cheeky feckker

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Gotta similar problem meself - chipped right through to bare metal - bloody gritters no doubt....how much do these chipsaway people charge then?


EDIT: contacted them via email - they got back to me fairly quickly - but were honest enough to admit that for a proper job I need a respray £60 for touchup job

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thanks jim thats great,,, unortunately i tried all that yesterday but am trying ti all again today, i think it be ok just need to be a lot more patient then yesterday

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Every body shop I speak to says they wouldn't go near chips away or equvilant. All they doo is fill it with knife filler and touch it over.


What they've said (now 3 bodyshops, all ins approved and one a mate)


"It'll look good for a few weeks but then you'll be bringing it in here to get it done properly and it'll cost you more + the chips away cost! Don't bother and do it right from day one!"

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i done it earlier jus touched it up and compunded it back its ok not 100% but ohh well theres abt 3 more lil ones since monday now anyways... thats what happens when its a daily drive and slammmed so low

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nah im cool, cheers for the offer though,, i might get mine painted in a diff colour soon anyways

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nah im cool' date=' cheers for the offer though,, i might get mine painted in a diff colour soon anyways[/quote']


beige with beige centres rims.. & cowprint seats :lol:

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