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car tax changes- what will it mean for us

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Guys. the bugdet will put car tax up to maybe 210 this time. depends on car type. anybody know our fate. also what about the modified ones of us

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I'm just peed off as I have a 2000 Golf TDI which puts out 143g/km - if it had been registered in 2001 I would only be paying £110/year - as its registered in 2000 (but no different to the engine in a 2001 PD115) I have to pay the new rate of £175...


I phoned up a guy at the DVLA today to have a rant and he told me to take it up with Gordon Brown (which I must admit made me chuckle a bit despite my frustration) as he says he gets calls about this all the time and at the end of the day its all down to Brown.


Where is the incentive to drive a cleaner vehicle? I can tax a Corrado VR6 for the same money! Dissapointing budget really.. I thought finally being Mr Sensible in a TDI would pay off but I guess not.

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It is but not in a particularly effective way. My mate is only one band away from the very top tier in his 2.3 litre Golf V5 - not exactly a monster truck i'd say! :(

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It's SUVs (not 4x4s per se) that people think are being targeted. It's not the case, it's just the cars that use a lot of fuel that are being persecuted. The biggest SUVs (4.5 litre X5s, Range Rovers etc) do indeed fall into the higher tax bracket, but smaller SUVs (Rav4s, Freelanders etc) won't. People just assume it's SUVs only as the majority of the nation hate them (in busy towns/citys) and would love to see them banished :-)

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It's SUVs (not 4x4s per se) that people think are being targeted. It's not the case, it's just the cars that use a lot of fuel that are being persecuted


If one were being pedantic, it's cars that have high carbon dioxide emissions per kilometre that pay more, although that's broadly the same thing.

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Musicman, Sorry OT: Look at your post count...666!! Are you the devil in disguise? I better get back to work!

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If one were being pedantic, it's cars that have high carbon dioxide emissions per kilometre that pay more, although that's broadly the same thing.


Yep, the more fuel squirted/sucked in, the more CO2 out.


And besides, funny how the world has seen a marked increase in plant and tree growth (before they're chopped down to make Ikea TV stands) since cars have been roaming the planet, and why aren't volcanoes taxed to death with all the sulphur rich CO2 they pump into the atmosphere?! :-)

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Because volcano's are here already and part of the environment, and cars are something we've made.. and realistically we don't all need 6.0 A8 Quattro's to get us around - we could make do with a 1.0 petrol! Not that i'd want to go back to a 1.0... ergh.


Regardless of how much plant and tree growth there has been, there is a disproportionately large increase in the amount of emissions / fuel being used / reserves being used hence the continued molestation of our wallets in fuel / tax duties :(

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LOL I was only mucking about Jim :-)


My point being nature is also 'wrecking' the environment (so say the tree huggers at least) so it's unfair to blame Global warming solely on combustion engines..... my theory is the planet has always had cyclic ozone and temperature patterns (imagine the CO2 emissions as the planet was being formed) and scientists have only had the ability to notice it, for what, 30 years - against the millions of years humans have been around and evolved?


And they've been going on about oil shortages since the 70s Jim, and we're still filling our tanks and Dubai's princes are still getting richer.


It's just human conditioning....scare mongery to keep us inline.

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we just need a lava powered car making the volcanoes more useful than just featuring in spectacular hollywood films starrying Tommy Lee Jones.













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so whats the new rate for the VR6...I know I paid £175 a few weeks ago

just got arsed to actually read the info...so nothing changes for us then...how boring

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You were ripped off. The road tax was £170 a few weeks ago. It's £175 now .. ;)


The volcanos, although contributing to global warming, are not using any fossil fuels ...

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If one were being pedantic, it's cars that have high carbon dioxide emissions per kilometre that pay more,


Yeah, but I too prefer the anti-SUV line of argumentation, as I too hate the bloody things, especially as all they're ever used for is


a) driven by Mommies to get their kids to school

b) gutless blokes on their daily boring commute to work

c) carpark fights at Sainsbury's

d) obscure my bview onto a roundabout, if one of those horrible thin gs pulls up next to my lowered Mk1 Rocco


I therefore am fully in favour of introducing an extra tax band for SUV drivers, as those things are a threat to road-safety for other road users :-)


Where is the incentive to drive a cleaner vehicle? I can tax a Corrado VR6 for the same money!


What are you waiting for, Jim ;-) ?



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It only clicked to me today that my dad's a bloody 4x4 driver! He came and picked up a sofa for me that wouldnt fit in the back of the C no matter what i tried! :lol:


His reasons are medical though, dodgy knee means driving at a more 'straight legged' angle is uncomfortable. Gone are his plans of a corvette stingray :mad:

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Yeh my mum unfortunately drives a Land Rover Defender td5, she does live down the bumpiest, steepest lane in the world that has already killed 2 cars though. Needless to say the C goes no wher near it!

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