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Breaking my corrado

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Ok im giving serious consideration to breaking my corrado as i just dont seem to be able sell it and the tax is about to run out and i dont want to put anymore on.


What i want to know is how much would i expect to get, have been offering the car at £2500 ad is here.


Should i give ebay a try with a reserve of £2k and see what happens it seems a shame to be breaking a very good corrado, but i need the money.

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to tell u the truth i can't believe you've not sold it!!!!i wouldn't break it it mate stick with it i'm sure she'll sell,i would try ebay over breakin her up

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like the animal welfare people 'we dont like to put a good one down' so DONT DO IT!!! breaking a working corrado is bad, evil and wrong!


you will get it sold, maybe you are asking a bit too much (i dont know the car so have no idea) or advertising in the wrong place.....


you'll get taken to the burny place for breaking it..... :(

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I really really don't think you should break it - far too many people are breaking perfectly good running C's!!! Stick with it and maybe advertise it on other forums - after all alot of the people on here already own a C ;)


Good luck

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dan r just as a guide i think that taking a really good pic can make the difference between selling it and not selling it! bump for a well looked after corrado!


keep trying to sell it though it is so much easier to sell as whole instead of breaking!


If you do decide to break though let us know and ill buy your estorils!

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i would spend a good while cleanin her/polishin her and get a really high res pic put up of her lookin nice an spanky that would deffo help

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Yeah, I have to agree with the comments about the pics, and I don't want to seem rude, but the first thing I noticed when looking at your pics was that the car didn't look very clean and tidy ( the first thing I look for when buying, if the exterior/interior are looked after there's more chance that the engine etc will have been too! ) ..I'm not saying it's not been looked after, but if you hoover it out etc it might attract more interest.


Also, it might be worth mentioning the bootlid as it looks like there's some white marks on it?

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It was all cleaned up sparkly for new pics then it snowed, it got all cleaned up again then it snowed, will be some new pics up tonight then and them white bits are soap lol.


Car is advertised on here, ed38, golfgti, autotrader can anyone recomend any other places, get lots of people sayin there coming down and dont turn it which is most annoying, why they cant just cancel there arrangement so im not sat around like a fool all day.

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I sort of meant the interior with regards to cleaning mate :oops: it looks like there's ash everywhere :lol: , give it a hoover and a polish inside, then take pics of the freshly hoovered floor carpets etc...that'll do the trick :thumbleft: ..it seems like a silly little thing, but it can make a big difference.


Ebay can be a good place to advertise the car, though I wouldn't expect to sell it directly through the auction, people usually email you and view/buy outside of the auction in my experience.


I've also had good results from Autotrader


The only problem with ebay/autotrader is that they charge! :(

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Put some new pics of the interior up but there massive dont know how to make the page easier to view any help???

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How much can you expect to get for a Corrado by breaking it?


I was trying to work out how much all the main parts go for (if i were to break mine) but to be honest couldn't seem to get the final figure above £2000 - and that would be including the modifications i have on mine. People keep saying they're worth more in parts, but how?

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