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H8RRA- a 'mate' snaps your bottom chain-what do you do?

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Wow! It looks superb!


It must be nice owning a Corrado with a completely fresh layer of paint on it! :)

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  CorradoVR6-n.o.s said:
Where did you get that done at Paul?


twas all prepped at home with the brother-in-law and sprayed and baked at his works who are insurance repairers - you'll probably know them, james, as their recovery trucks kick around our area - CF recovery.

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looks very good paul, I had some work done by CF in the past, actually asked them about respraying my valver when i first got it but they quoted almost 2k! expensive but quality results, you gets what you pays for.


As I said on the phone, nice to have the bodywork matching the interiour (when its clean!) and the engine. At least you've got til next year to refine it for the 2007 show season.


looks bloody good in those photos though, bet you're chuffed!

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Looks great and worth all the effort I'm sure... need to get me a nice end of year bonus that I can hide form the Mrs to pay for mine :D


Look forward to seeing some more pics...

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is it possible to be mre gutted???


having put all the work into the 'c' and still in the process of putting it back together, an axle stand dropped from above the car where it was hanging in the garage, onto the wing and has totally fcuked both paint and wing.



I really, really hate cars at the mo!!!!!!!!!!



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that s.cks, but at least your whole garage didnt fall on your head like it did to 2cc!! Wing vent coming up for some cold air??

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Jesus! Gutted for you! :(


My old man had something similar happen in his garage where he keeps his Daimler which he's been restoring for approx. 13 years (and not long completed) - a cat got in there, scrambled up to the stuff in the roof and proceeded to slip and drop various pieces of wood and stuff down on the roof of the car.


It didn't do much damage thankfully (they dont make em like they used to I guess these days!) but could have been much worse :|

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That is a big big shame after all that work. The paint is looking superb too.


It could have been worse, and fallen onto the bonnet or roof. At least with the wing you can pull it off and repair it or replace it easily enough. Still a major ball ache though....gutting :-(

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  triggermyson said:
Why did it fall? Gutted for you mate but fortunate you weren't under it at the time..


I was - it bounced off my shoulder first, I cringed, realising how close i was to the car, time went into slow motion before i heard the THUD, THUD, CLATTER as it thudded and bounced off the wing twice and then clattered onto the floor


  kevHaywire said:
That is a big big shame after all that work. The paint is looking superb too.


It could have been worse, and fallen onto the bonnet or roof. At least with the wing you can pull it off and repair it or replace it easily enough. Still a major ball ache though....gutting :-(



thats the only saving grace - it was very close to the bonnet but thankfully not a rear quarter or roof :roll:

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What rotten luck H8RRA.

$hit happens and I've often thought about the possibility of stuff I have stored above or around cars falling onto them.

In 33 years of having a garage I have been lucky so far - only the odd aerosol or light bit of wood coming down. Best keep axles and stuff somewhere else.

We learn by our own or others mistakes and I expect many of us will be taking your experience on board and being a bit more careful about where and what we perch near our vehicles.

As ever, it could have been worse.

Good luck with sorting it.

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.....after going out in jamesvr6nos turbo car at the weekend, really forgot what mine is like so took it for a 500yd spin (cos it aint taxed like)


anyway, holding a mobile, unable to change gear quickly, trying to steer, here's a little video - got into 4th then had to brake. still feels pretty rapid 8)



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Jesus. It doesn't exactly hang about does it. I guess that was on your private track?

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