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G60SC_Stoneys C! Nearly there!

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well, firstly i got the car back from being resprayed earlier this month, and the finish is lovely, the paint is sooooo flat its like a mirror, quite impressed by it, and ive been tidying it up even more and removing any scratch marks left by the bodyshop from when they wipe it down, so i had a really good base, and put a nice coating of various products on it to give it a good start!


i took out any remaining bits of the interior this week and ripped up the carpet, which was going really mouldy where the heater matrix went ages ago, so now the car is a complete shell with not much in at all, so when its all dried out inside im going to put some soundproofing down and fit my new carpet, and then its time to fit the interior, which Ben will help me fit along with the MK4 heating system.


Then im going to pull some more bits off and get them shotblasted back and re-painted or ill buy new ones, for example ive seen some very nice uprated driveshafts, that are all plated and shiny, but thats going to depend on whether i still have money to burn at that point...


The only issue i have at the moment, is the brakes, id really like to keep the brembos are they are cheap and easy to get hold of parts for, and i already have them ready to go on, but they are causing a right ball ache to get them to fit on! :lol:

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Well i hope you have fully recovered from your shock :D so you can get on with it some more.


Be a good idea to get the pics of the build put up when you get time but im sure thats already in hand, so pics pics please.

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ok ive just started applying some more wax to the car, so thought i'd take some more pics, unfortunatly my digital cameras batteries were dead, so ive had to use the phone again. The paint is soooo shiny, and there is no orange peel anywhere! it really is like glass!








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yeah, it was and still is Dark burgandy pearl, and the paint job was rather expensive to say the least, lets just say it was over 3 times more expensive than most peoples normal resprays....6500 pounds

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nope, but if you know this weeks winning numbers ill be happy to go 50/50! but to be fair the price is crazy high as there was some repair work we needed to do to it, which you dont see in the pictures, so i had that done to a high standard, it was nothing major but it did make the back bumper sit slightly off, but thats fixed now, also where filler was used it was mainly old school lead filler so shouldnt sink like most cars filling jobs do after a while, and i had a few things smoothed off. and the main objective was to get the paint as smooth as possible and create a lasting finish, not something that will start to crack and peel etc over time. So comes with their word they will take it back and re-do any jobs if i have any problems F.O.C. but i would have thought its going to get a stone chip or two and a few scratches on it at some point no doubt!

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  dirtytorque said:
You must have tennis elbow now from all that polishing.


Looking good. 8)


ive been told its called W*nkers wrist by someone at work :lol: and Thank You


she has had a layer of Dodo juice and i started to apply some of my Swissol best of show wax to her today. really bringing out the metallic fleks in her!

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Looks incredible Dan, alot of money yes but it looks like its worth it..


Im reckoning that this is going to be one of if not the best Corrado out there in the coming months, cant wait to see it...

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  G60SC_Stoney said:
ok ive just started applying some more wax to the car, so thought i'd take some more pics, unfortunatly my digital cameras batteries were dead, so ive had to use the phone again. The paint is soooo shiny, and there is no orange peel anywhere! it really is like glass!


Ah stop teasing with the phone pics and get the camera out :D looks mint and agree with Goldie that its going to be in a different league.

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  junkie said:
  G60SC_Stoney said:
ok ive just started applying some more wax to the car, so thought i'd take some more pics, unfortunatly my digital cameras batteries were dead, so ive had to use the phone again. The paint is soooo shiny, and there is no orange peel anywhere! it really is like glass!


Ah stop teasing with the phone pics and get the camera out :D looks mint and agree with Goldie that its going to be in a different league.


i dont know if it will be in a differnt league to be honest, i havent exactly bought anything new to the table, all ive done is resprayed the car a standard VW colour, plonked a tuned up 16vG60 engine in the front and put a TVR interior inside (which came out of another corrado anyway!) i need to find something inventive to do with my green VR6 outside next, somehow stick an Audi V8 in the back seats and get some RWD fun, now that would be cool!

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Its not about whether its something new to the table just the fact that it will be immaculate, built for you not the "scene" (i seriously hate that word in the context it gets used in) to get 1 upmanship or to be different, although a TVR interior is different, you have it cos you like it.


Seriously though you have won the lottery or something, just with the amount of not so cheap things you do and buy and the things you do want to do, most of the time actually doing them as well, is unreal and your a postman so come on time to own up, how much you won :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I dont think its about doing something new although lets be honest here 16v G60 Corrado arent exactly common place and ok the interior has been 'used' but its still a masterpiece.


Youve done everything that most would, and id love to do to mine, and that is take the car back to the beginning and start again, ok i wouldnt be TVRing mine up inside but that where its interesting, this forum would be a bit boring if we all had same car, same wheels, same interior blah blah blah...


Stop being Moddest Dan and just take the compliment... :)

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Agreed! She looks bloody lovely mate I cant wait to see this one take some awards this summer! :D

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ok, maybe i am just being a bit of a twit, yes she will be cool, and i do love her to bits, even thogh she is spread between 2 garages 2 sheds and 2 bedrooms at the moment! the thing is i cant help thinking shes a bit of a mish mash of ideas, ive built (or have had someone build it for me) a tuned up 16VG60 that im hoping to get around the 300BHP mark from, and ive put a peloquin diff in the gearbox, and fiddling around with ARBs and polybushes etc, etc. so she will handle really well, and be rather quick, but then on the other hand ive spent 6.5k on a paint job and a futher 4k on wheels for it, nearly a grand on the interior (not including geeting some new front seats and retrimming them) and 300 pounds on carpet/soundproofing, plus all the other bits and pieces. So from what i can see ive created a fast car for shows?! im going to be worried to take the thing out on the roads incase i get a stone chip on the bonnet, so whats the point of having 300bhp and a Peloquin if im never going to actually need/use it ??


WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!??!!?? :lol:


on a brighter note, ive just picked up my 5x100 g60 hubs from James, so that should solve my issue of fitting my wider 301s under the arches! :D


oh and ive just put my camera batteries on charge so should take some (good) pictures tommorrow!

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the engine is still in the engineers workshop until im ready for it, there wont be any pics of that until the whole car is together and running, i did initially want to keep the whole project under wraps, but im too much of a child to do that! should e fitting the carpet this week, or at least the soundproofingm then the interior should be going in

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Any clues on the new front seats, looks real good so far just need to get it outside to really show it off.


As things are now finally and thank god moving along, you think you might actually make ED38 this time :lol:

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  junkie said:
Any clues on the new front seats, looks real good so far just need to get it outside to really show it off.


As things are now finally and thank god moving along, you think you might actually make ED38 this time :lol:


No, and most probably also no! :lol: im thinking maybe mazda RX8 front seats, although im still to try the porsche boxster seats, so we'll see...

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