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car crushing tactics

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Did anyone watch that cop programe last night where they followed the Pompy police force around town, whereby the coppers had the power to not only remove a vehicle off the road, for having no tax/insurance, but also to crush the vehicle too?


Now it all seemed a good idea until plod picked on a Scirocco. They seemed on a mission to crush all rusty cars. This vw was being driven by a mechanic who had just passed the car for its MOT and was returning it to the owner, who had no insurance. Now thats not unheard of, I've done tricks like that, asking others to move the car for me when insurance is in limbo. As the coppers had to let the car off, he commented saying "did you hear that lad, Modern Classic, pahh" ... then went onto say how much he loved all his old Volvos. :roll: , :lcop: = :cuckoo:

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ignoramous, what a twat, clearly knows nowt about cars. I loved my scirocco, definately becoming a classic, and is certainly a modern classic.

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It's certainly not a perfect system but what do you propose instead? Only crush the Renaults and leave uninsured VW owners alone? It's frightening that the old bill have to power to do that to a car but if it means less uninsured drivers on the road then maybe it's a good thing. As long as the system doesn't backfire and flag up legal drivers then it's all good.


With respect to the crushing though, it doesn't seem very environmentally friendly to squash a perfectly good car. What's wrong with putting the decent cars through a Police auction?!

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There you go, I think you answered your own question. Im fully for some hard hitting tactics and that includes VW's too. Just thought it funny how they picked on a rusty Scirocco to only find that nothing illegal had gone on, as far as they knew - aslong as the owner didnt drive it about - which I hope he didn't.


Personally I'd declare sorn on his car, restore it, then get the MOT + insurance + tax etc. So maybe he was a sumbag.


As you say - crushing doesnt seem the most enviromentally friendly way to go - but certainly seems shocking !! Im sure someone would've bought that Sc at an auction as you suggest.

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Did you see that numpty in the renault 19 i think it was?

He got pulled and claimed it wasnt his car and then got a knife out in front of 8 coppers and a camera crew and started to stab his own tyres!!! :lol:

He then wonders why they all jumped on him and crushed him on the floor :lol:

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Just thought it funny how they picked on a rusty Scirocco


But they didn't, loadsa cars were going past and the machine was checking them all, when the machine caught the reg plate of the Scirocco it came up with "No insurance", so they had to stop him.


It's quite scary now that they have the power to crush cars for no insurance, certainly made me think twice!

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But they didn't,
badly phrased on my behalf, as you're right. Just refering to his comments really on the VW, farsical considering his love for Volvo. He seemed really disapointed to not have the chance to crush it.


All the others looked like Chavs and gave loadsa back-chat. The tyre slashers mate almost talked his way into more trouble too, pmsl

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Yea I thought his comments on the Scirocco made him look like he didn't know poop. But hey, it's a classic to us, and to him it was just another old car!


Like how I felt what he considered classics, all the old police cars, they were just old cars to me! :-P


And that chav with the renault 19 acting all hard then going to say


"Please can I get up? Please?"


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Funniest bit was the blonde in the soft top who offered to get her *its out, think there was a pretty loud shout of "nooooo" nationwide at that suggestion. :luvlove:

What a classy lady.

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