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Nice one Jim, Scarletts car sounds great so a good buy I reckon.


16v, you've gotta be kidding me?? Your insurance will be even more ridiculous mate! :)

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triggermyson, I got my insurance at £1400 for the valver now, (Cheap for me :lol:) and I will get the vr under 2k I reckon, might aswell stretch that bit extra eh? :lol:

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big chunk of metal or living breathing creature.... hmmmmm... :)


Here lies the difference between men and women :lol:

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big chunk of metal or living breathing creature.... hmmmmm... :)


Here lies the difference between men and women :lol:


Either that or the difference between the enthusiast and the obsessive!!!!



By the way, well done Jim! :thumbleft:

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Well no calls off the new owner to tell me that the Golf broke down on the way home or anything! :)

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Better get that sig changed then Jim!


What happended to the desire for a 1.8 or has the temptation of a great car been the lure?

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To be honest I only wanted a 1.8 as I thought it was all I can afford. If I can get a 2.0 16v with all the goodness of that later interior for not a lot more than it seems silly not to! :)

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Nevermind the bloomin’ interior – if you end up with mine you’ll be keeping up with VR’s for valver money… now that’s good value….! :)

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I didnt think she would but a rather eventful drive back from NR with 2 VR's showed me otherwise - they start getting the better of her at 135... but up til then she can stay with them.... tis fun.... :)

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I didnt think she would but a rather eventful drive back from NR with 2 VR's showed me otherwise - they start getting the better of her at 135... but up til then she can stay with them.... tis fun.... :)


Don't buy it, Jim- it's obviously had a right thrashing! :lol:

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lol - I couldn't dismiss it on those grounds. I took my G60 to 140MPH at Brunters :D

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I can testify to this. We were 3 abreast in a ton 30 rolling roadblock, That Ruby is a monster. From hammer down at 60 or so to about 130 there wasn't much in it.

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Wish mine was that quick! Maybe after next week...


Has it had a remap? Vince was trying to persuade me to have one at the same time as doing the cam. Would have done it, but haven't quite got the funds at the mo.

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I can testify to this. We were 3 abreast in a ton 30 rolling roadblock, That Ruby is a monster. From hammer down at 60 or so to about 130 there wasn't much in it.


Must be down to driver skills :wink:

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Yeah yeah, :)


More like, I might have eaten too much Burger King at No-Rice, Added weight and all that.

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lol!!! well, there was only me in the car and I had about a teaspoonful of petrol but... well... i guess you just need to know how to drive the damn things.... :)


have just taken Ruby to The Phirm for an MOT and a quick check over to make sure everything is ok - managed to get some spoiler up action on a B road.... :wink:

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