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Wheel Creaking - update - solved (hopefully!)

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(Before anyone says it I have done a search but I couldn't find the answer :wink: )


There is a strange rubbing/creaking noise coming from the front driver side. It does it when going slowly but I can't hear it when going faster but that's probably just cos of the engine noise! As the wheel goes round something rubs/creaks.

It does it more when turning right but it also does it when going straight and turning left.


The wheel bearings were done a few months ago.


We thought it might be CV joint but took it to a garage and they said CV joint was fine. (The brake disc had a lip on it that was rubbing on the caliper but that was a different grinding noise).


Today we have put new dics and pads on the front but there is still a strange noise and we don't know what it is and it's really annoying!!


Someone help please :cry:

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Sounds like what's happening on the missus' polo. I think it's her wishbone mounts. Am supposed to be fitting new ones now, but too many beers inhibit it!

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I know you have searched, but I know this has been raised before. Will try to find it.


Meanwhile - have you tried jumping up and down on that side of the car to make it creak? To try and pin-point the sound?


Or is it forward motion related? ie - wheel hub/drive-shaft.


I presume the mechanic you went to couldnt find it either....... ?


From memory it could be: Engine mounts, top-mounts to suspension, wishbone mounts... seeing a Mount trend here, lol

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Right, did a search...


- Clonk sound.


- Clunk 2


- Steering Clunk


- knocking


_these tending to be more bearing related maybe. The Clunk/Clonk/Bang whatever tends to be naffed mounts allowing metal to hit metal or shot bearings.


Is yours happening when cornering only? As said, jump on you car. eg open car door and stand on sill. Alternatively firmly lean on wing, being very careful.


Hope it helps... although wishbone is a top idea


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Prob top mounts i reckon, mine are like that and need doing soon. Not expensive or a real problem to get sorted your be pleased to know!

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It's not a clunking or knocking sound. I have read all those posts and they don't have the same symptoms.


It doesn't happen when cornering only but it is worse on cornering. It is a forward motion noise. It sounds like something is creaking as it turns round.


We are going to have a look at the car at the weekend. Will be checking all the mounts etc.


Thanks for the ideas :D

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I guess i know what you mean mate.

I have the same situation.

I swapped the entire suspension from my other Corrado.

The problem remains.

This includes, top mounts, shock absorvers, springs, suspension and steering ball joints, etc...

So wishbones are my last chance!

I also have an A-A bar from Sparco, which i need to check it better, as this could be responsable for the noise.

The noise is a motion noise and it happens often on bumpy roads (when the suspension is having more stroke ).

Keep posting! :)

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I'm getting some awful noises now too: the axles and bearings are only 6-9 months old....replaced at the same time.


Mine is a very rythmic sound, effected by the speed of the wheel. It goes away on braking, and acceleration, but happens on no load, or light load driving (coasting and constant speed)


I have done wheel bearings before and they made more of a grinding sound. this is a rythmic clunk/thump/click/clonk sound....


I hope someone knows how to help us both!

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An update..


Firstly, this isn't Alex, it's his bro.


We've prodded it a bit more this evening, and have come away with more more questions rather than any answers. Firstly, do VR6 gearboxes come with limited slip diffs, or some other clever diff thing?


The reason I ask this is that we jacked up the car and tried spinning the wheels in gear whilst ticking over, in theory I could then apply a bit of lock and listen to it's clunky grindy noise up close without risk of running over my head. The problem was that when we tried this, with both front wheels hanging free the offside (grindy one) would slow to a stop - fair enough, I think, there's obviously a little resistance from the new brakes that bro fitted. Only it's more than that. cos when I chock up the nearside wheel, thus forcing the offside one to spin again, the diff seems to snatch at it, rocking the car and engine to a fairly alarming amount, given that it's on axle stands. This behavior could be expected from something fitted with an LSD, however, if so, why does it only work one way?


So the next question is, if there's a problem with the diff, maybe some sort of internal resistance, would it manifest itself as a grindy boingy noise at the wheel itself? I can't see it personally, but I'm not familiar with all the cleverness that goes into a VR6.


Finally, if it isn't the diff, when else could it be? The noise is difficult to describe, but imagine something rubbery and springy being scraped against something metallic - that happens once a revolution of the roadwheel.


Cheers for any thoughts..



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:scratch: If it seems to be near the diff it could be the output shaft oil seal thats gone, the oil will fill the CV boot and wash the grease out of the bearings (you can't tell unless you pop the boot off). Its only a guess, but this happened on my bro's golf resulting in similar symptoms. :scratch:


Good luck.


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VR6s have EDL which is an Electronic Differential lock. This basically uses the ABS sensors to detect wheelspin and then pumps the brakes on the side which is wheelspinning to stop the power from being lost through a spinning wheel and be fed through the wheel which isn't spinning...


This only works below 10mph IIRC and wasn't fitted to all VR6s...


Could be that which is causing oddities while it's jacked up?

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I know you may think this suggestion is ridiculous, but it could be worth a try. I had a similar sounding noise when i first bought my car. Tried all the usual checks, as you have, but gave up and took it to my local specialist, Autotechnik (when they were good). The guy there drove it, and straight away knew what it was. Turned out that the driveshaft splindes needed lubing. All he did was undo the shaft nut, knock it through, and grease it up. The sound disappeared...

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From the 1st post, it was mentioned the caliper rubbed on the disc. This should ring alarm bells as the caliper should never strike the disc, regardless of disc condition. This is normally caused by knackered wheel bearings. As you go round a bend, the hub (the bit inside the main bearing housing - the iron lump the damper bolts to) moves laterally and causes the disc to hit the caliper. You said you replaced the bearings, but what quality were they and where they done properly? Some garages bend the bearing housing when they do this....especially when removing bearings for the first time in 11 years or how ever long....and causes a caliper misalignment.


If not that, I have no idea what a rubbery boing rubbing on metal could be!


If possible try a stethoscope (or long metal pole) on the bearing housing, on the strut, on the gear box etc etc to try and isolate the noise. There is nothing inside box that could make a boing noise tho.


Good luck!

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I've not had time to read all this but are you sure one of the wheel bolts hasn't been swapped for a longer one or mixed up and rubbing on the back of the abs rotor...?

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Think i may have an answer for you.


I had what sounds to be the same issue. Front wheel bearings replaced by a local garage. Car came back with rubbing / speed dependant sound. Took back & bloke could find nothing wrong. He said it was the new pads and would sort themselves out. Didnt.


Took car to brake specialist and watched him follow the sound to its cause. Took hub off and there were fresh vice marks on either side. Crap local garage bloke had taken the hub off, stuck it in a vice to drive the bearings out and bent it.


The noise was a combination of the pad rubbing on the disc and the caliper being moved around lots.


Cost about £200 for new one fitted at stealers, but you can get it done cheaper.



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yeah, I'm inclined to think it may be the hub as the noise wasn't there before the front bearings were done. Just don't have the time to sort it out at the moment, currently use car every day and we are in process of buying house so no spare money!!!


We are just putting up with it and hoping it doesn't get worse!!

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Took car to brake specialist and watched him follow the sound to its cause. Took hub off and there were fresh vice marks on either side. Crap local garage bloke had taken the hub off, stuck it in a vice to drive the bearings out and bent it.


yep, dealer did that to my valver, but did replace everything with new when I took it back to complain.

Personally though Angela, I would not use anything other than vag parts on the hubs as have found other parts are not long term cost effective, and I don't trust them especially if load bearing.

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Got to be careful here not to confuse the Hubs themselves with the bearing carriers (the frame that the track rods and ball joint attaches to) - I reckon the price above is just for the hub face but I could be wrong...

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ok, sounds like its a job for a proper garage then with proper vag parts! (just need to win lottery now). :roll:

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