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KR camshaft change into 9A 16v - how?

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I have heard a lot about the camshaft swap for the 16v 2.0L 9A, taken from the 1.8 KR. However, does anyone know exactly how the job is done step by step? Or at least some helpful hints? Additional pointers as to checking the alignment etc would be most helpful.


Cheers lads/lasses,


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It's an easy job but a pain to list it out step by step. The Golf 2 Haynes comic has a reasonable description of the job which is almost identical to a Corrado. Have you ever done a cam belt on a car and replaced a cam?

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I agree with Crasher, your best bet is to get a manual. Theres many steps to doing it, and I wouldn't want to miss anything by writing out a long list.


Basically remove the inlet manifold, remove the cam cover, slacken timing belt tensioner, remove timing belt from exhaust cam pulley, Carefully remove bearing caps for both cams. The cams are very hard and brittle, so it is good practice to undo the caps bit by bit so the cams lift up evenly. Put new inlet cam in place of the original using the same timing marks and re-assemble. You may want to consider changing all the lifters whilst it is in bits. Assembly is basically reverese of removal, but you need to make sure you get the timing set correctly.

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its worth setting the timing before you remove anything.


Also you may need to remove both cams to get the chanin and cams aligned.


make sure you use the caps go back in the same place in the same direction.


as the others have said the manual is good

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both cams will have to be removed to change,its worth putting a new cam chain on as they are less than £10.

Note the cam caps are numbered and MUST go back on exactly the same way

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I'm also thinking about doing this, have been thinking about it for a long time but not really confident to do it myself so will probably get a mechanic to do it for me.


The only thing I'm bothered about now is any long term damage or effects from the change. I don't know much about engines so don't quite understand how the difference affects the engine. Does anyone know of any problems it can cause or is it basically fine as long as the timing is correct?

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It will be as reliable as your original setup. Its a VW cam designed for the the 1.8 version of the engine. Assuming the cam is not damaged and is intalled correctly you have nothing to worry about.

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