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My newLHD G60 Corrado

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Check it out guys. Cleaned up quite well with a bit of elbow greese. Will be taking it for a 1600km trip across europe next week. Fingers crossed all goes well.











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Welcome over, that looks bloody lovely !:D


Few calendar candidates there mate :)

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Thanks guys. I am quite happy with it and the interior is my favourite and its so comfy. The body is not perfect but this car is going to see a lot of miles so any kind of body work can wait. Just the odd car park ding but I am being a bit picky.


I have my fingers crossed the charger holds out. The car pulls really strongly and the boost pipes have a nice sticky coat of lubricant. I just dont have the time to send the charger off and refitted before I hit the road.


It wont hurt to join the AA though :-)

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Looks good..... very nice colour ;)


Gotta be careful on the Autobahns, You can go fast, but the G60 brakes don't stop you fast enough in the event of idiots. Trust me, I know first hand..... If you're cruising past München give me a shout....

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Have clocked up over 6000k driving through France and North Spain. We will be returning home soon and its charger rebuild time. Touch wood no problems at all with her except the battery which went dead while the car was in Birriatz airport for over a week. We were stuck for an hour until some nice french dude from Eurocar lent us his booster pack. We haven't used the alarm since and all is fine - dam clifford.


We made good time on the French motor way. Dont worry, I had slowed down for this pic ;)



Taking a rest somewhere in the Basque country. Aircon would of being such a nice luxury to have for this trip.



After missing my turn to head to Galicia I found myself on the way to Madrid in 40+degree heat and a barren landscape surrounding me. Thankfully I found this shadow to pull over and let us both cool down - me and the car.



So after a few bottles of water and some tortilla I had picked a route to get me back on track. Unfortunatly for me it was not a motorway and a speed limit off 100kmh was strictly enforced. The heat was just torture and you can see from the landscape its totally barren. It took me over an hour before I got off this desert road and combined with the heat it was an interesting experience.





It was hot for me but these bikers must have being really feeling it in their leathers. At least I could stick my head out the window but then the air wasn't much fresher outside despite the speed.



Some pics from up in the mountains in the Basque country - what a beautiful place. The north of Spain is so different when compared to the south. I'd recommend to anyone to pay it a visit.





Clamped at the Beach. Dont worry the BBS were fine :)



Hiding in the woods in Galicia



Big shout has to go out to the main man Matrín who I met one day at one of the outdoor swimming pools in Galicia. He recognised the car from pics I had posted on the Spanish Corrado forum and was very keen to chat with me. So much so he risked his life by throwing himself in front of the C while I was cruising home. Some man. Anyway, he was kind enough to lend me the LHD headlights from his second C so I could get the car passed through the ITV. Dont you just love the Corrado / VW community. Were else would you get a complete stranger offering you pieces of his car just cause he likes your car. Here are some pics of his rather tasty Corrado from Switzerland.







So the C is booked in for an oil change and its off to Cherbourg for the ferry home. Its about a 1000k from Bilbao and we should manage that in a day. Have to say the car has being great and it will get a long deserved rest and some TLC when I get her home.


All the best



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Sounds like an awesome trip mate! Great pics too - the shaddow pic would be a good contender for the callender comp ;)

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I want some beige Recaros!!!!


Looks like a good cruise around Europe.


Keep taking the photos markmcie, there are some beauties!

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