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engine just really struggles from cold!

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just had another engine put in my car and all seems ok but it really struggles from cold i mean i was trying too start her for about 10 minutes it just wouldnt idle ! the dude who did my engine said everything was setup correctly when i picked up the car ! its fine when warmed up but its quite scarey when it wont start it makes all sorts of wierd banging noises he raplaced all service items too............Could it be timing???? its had a new dizzy


also is it correct that i should take it easy for about a week or whatever with having another engine in her?? apparently i should ?? also the car feels held back and really tight almost too tight?? if you know what i mean!


any help appreciated

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its a 1.8 kr


if the timings out im super miffed off ive paid alot of money for the work on this car!!!



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well, unless it has new components in it, there's no real reason why you should have to 'run it in' You can check the timing yourself fairly easily just to be sure. Try a search for it on here. A used kr engine shoul rev nice and freely, so there's something amiss. Where did you get the engine put in? Midland vw is only round the corner from you, you could always get them to check cam and ign timing for you?

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is ok

rang him

the person who swapped the engine set it up whilst it was warm.. so it needs to be setup from cold!!!!! taking it there this evening will have it back tommorow !!





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is there not some ecu temperature sender on the KR system that triggers the warmup enrichment? Sounds like you have no cold start system in operation.


Also your idle valve should lift your idle up, make sure thats working. It should buzz when you turn the ignition on (but not start the engine)

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CoxyLaad, it's mechanical... there's a block on the side of the head which has a bi-metallic strip in it which enriches the mixture... there's also another switch which enables the 5th injector for a few seconds on start up...

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went too the garage and now he wont look at it till saturday morning! whats the point in that its meant too be cold! im sick of being pished about! needto sort it myself i think any advice????

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Should be set up hot! Sounds like a faulty coolant temp sender for the idle control ECU. I did an article for the Golf mag a few moths back on setting up a KR, PM me your e-mail address and I will mail it to you.

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I used to love setting the KR up as it was so easy compared to these modern 'managed' engines :-)


I had a similar issue with one of my KR engined Golfs. Took forever to start, turned out to be the earth for the cold start injector was totally corroded and it didn't actually fire at all.


Another classic on the KR is a siezed idle valve, I used to have to get out periodically and belt it with a blunt object and then it would start as normal. didn't fancy the £100 odd replacement cost so lived with it.


To 'tune' the KR, I found the following always worked well on my engines....


1) Get the engine up to temp and turn off

2) Disconnect the breather pipe and plug the airbox hole

3) Disconnect the exposed red lead under the ignition coil, which takes the ISV out of circuit.

4) Get a long 3mm allen key and restart the engine, it'll run a bit lumpy and slow without the idle valve.

5) turn the brass screw on the throttle anticlock to speed up the idle to approx 950-1000rpm...it'll probably be popping a farting a bit at this stage.

6) Put the allen key in the small hole in front of the metering head boot

7) Without pressing down, slowly turn it either anti clock or clockwise (richens) until the idle is dead smooth

8) Switch off and reconnect the disconnected items.

9) Restart and it should idle perfectly and if you connect a CO meter to the exhaust, you should find it's 2%, which is what KRs run best at.



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i smacked the idle valve and hey presto jobs a good un! ! where can i get one from?????




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LOL....tis a classic that. It used be very embarrassing having to get out of the car in a public place and thump the sodding valve!


Eurocar parts, GSF, dealer etc can get the ISVs....not cheap tho

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you can clean them up with fairly good results, but it involves immersing the valve in petrol and actuating it. It works but provides that lovely combination of petrol and sparks. Adds a bit of excitment to the whole thing

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yep lol i hope im right in saying its the thing that has the breather pipe connected too it and looks a bit like a big spark plug and has vdo on it?? its just ive only done it once hit it that is as the cars not cold. i think it also buzzes too as when i hit it it buzzed louder!!!


sorry for being dumb !



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